Especially for friendships and relationships.

  1. Don’t give time for people who won’t give time for you. Basically meet them with the same energy.

  2. Education is far more valuable than you realize. Knowledge may not seem useful at the time, but it’ll help you in the long run.

  3. Check up on people you care about, both if you think they’re not doing okay and if you know something good is happening for them (could be a small congrats on the new apartment etc).

    If you do it for them, they’ll remember and do it for you. You build a support network by showing people that what’s going on in their life matters to you.

  4. Falling in love is an amazingly overrated experience. Skip romantic relationships for now.

    Instead, focus on education, building your career, saving money, generating wealth, obtaining assets, maintaining your friendships, maintaining your family bonds, etc., and save meeting women until you’re 30 or so.

    Women will still be there when you’re 30. And if you follow my advice above during your twenties, then you’ll actually have something meaningful and worthwhile to show for yourself when you’re 30.

    Unlike if you spend your twenties chasing romantic relationships. One way or the other, you’ll probably have nothing to show when you turn 30 aside from debt.

  5. Unlikely you will be friends with people from grade school or university, people change and move, and you befriend those you spend time with. Put most of your energy into developing yourself and figure out who you are.

  6. Get a mission you like. Enjoy life.

    Do not buy things with money you do not have to impress people you do not like.

    Expensive cars buy you expensive girls.

    You are not responsible for poor parents but for poor in laws

    Every minute in the barbell section of the gym is gold for your back in later life

    A 5 Million credit is easier to get than a 50.000$ car credit with the right idea/papers

  7. Don’t measure your own success on the achievements of others. If you’re getting everything you want out of life, that’s all that matters.

  8. Friendships are work. They are not always fun, nor should they be. Do not frivolously neglect or toss away years of friendship just because some shiny new hobby, job, or romantic partner comes into your life.

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