For example,

1. Someone you’re meeting off of a dating app soon after matching, minimal texting
2. Someone you talked to everyday for weeks for hours before meeting in person
3. One night standish circumstances
4. Blind date

Do men have different opinions or outlooks on sleeping together upon first meet under different circumstances, different levels of investment/connection beforehand? (personal effect on you and your opinion of said woman)

  1. I’d say #2 makes the biggest difference, that was the situation when I met my wife for the first time.

  2. Not sure if this is what you’re asking, but I don’t put any restrictions on how far a first date can go, regardless of how we met, and how much we’ve been communicating before the date.

  3. Online chemistry gives absolutely no guarantee of in person chemistry in my opinion

    But yes of course, the better you know someone the more intermate you’re likely to be

  4. You asked two totally unrelated questions here…

    (A) What makes the biggest difference when it comes to meeting the first time; and

    (B) DO men have different opinions or outlooks (sic) after fucking on the first date based on how you met/invested prior.

    I’d say for (A) it makes a huge difference “how” you met. In a bar looking for a hookup? Pound town. Dating app looking for relationship? Casual date. Blind date? All bets are off.

    (B) If we’re fucking on the first date, it’s because I escalated and pressed for it (most of the time). If she gives in, I do question how often she’s given in to other dudes before me so quickly. Probably not marriage material, but then again, if I’m trying to get in her pants on date #1 – it don’t matter much.

  5. 1. How good looking you are.
    2. How good looking you are.
    3. How good looking you are.
    4. How good looking you are.

  6. No clue. I just be who I am. I either get a quick Shag at my house in before they go back to their place and we never talk again or we don’t have a quickie and the same. The whole relationship thing isn’t something I’d do other than platonic.

  7. First things first; I’m not chatting to some chick online for weeks before we meet. *One* week, tops. So that’s out.

    ‘Dating’ apps are for arranging sex, despite what some poor, deluded fools tell themselves. Sex is expected or the date is a failure and there won’t be another.

    One night stands…well, if you don’t fuck, it’s not a one night stand, is it? It’s a conversation in a pub.

    Blind date? That’s a game show from the 90s.

    My opinion of a woman will never be adversely affected by the fact that she finds me attractive and likes sex.

  8. well, in real life they always laugh at my non funny jokes and like me around, on dating app they are poorly invested in a conversation and to be honest me too because its so fucking boring.

  9. Honestly the biggest thing for me is how respectful they are on the first date. When I met my now gf for coffee the first time, she wasn’t on her phone and we talked for well over an hour, and the conversation flowed. Someone’s willingness to engage and give you their undivided attention can say a lot. Nothing is worse than sitting there being ignored or just being given a few word answers and not attempting to make any sort of conversation.

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