What’s the purpose of a man cave?

  1. Either a place to put all your hobbies so the main house still looks nice or a place to hang out with the bros

  2. It a fortress of solitude; when a man can be a man-surrounded by the things that make him happy.

  3. Can’t have your whole house looking like that.. so we get a room to decorate how we want.

    The house gets input from everyone who lives there on how it’s decorated.. the guy gets to decorate his man cave/shop, the woman gets to decorate her barn and horse stables how she wants.

  4. Even living alone, I like to have a room that’s just for me and that’s not decorated around entertaining guests or dates.

  5. It may be a joke to you but it’s the space a man can claim for its own having been blocked from expressing himself in the rest of the home. Space is important.

  6. Usually it’s a retreat for husbands that belong just to him.

    I love being single, my man cave is the whole property.

  7. Man’s goal in life is peace

    The man cave is the ultimate symbol of that, once I cross those doors all masks are off, I am me & my friends can come into the room with the same expectations.

  8. I only have a small room, but that’s where my hobbies are. Computer building, video games and guitars. It’s my escape from reality.

  9. It’s my personal space. Even when I live alone I’d usually shoot for a 2 bedroom place just so that I have a space where I can completely nerd out and geek out with memorabilia and other knick knacks that I really like.

    Sure I can do that in any space of the place that I own but I don’t want to alway have to explain the 6ft Darth Vader statue with a realistic breathing sound in the corner mind your business pizza man!

  10. To have a space that is just mine. Just what makes me happy and at peace. A place to escape the world that always seems to always want you defeated.

  11. A place to keep all your stuff when you fuck up and marry someone who doesnt allow it in the rest of the house.

  12. It’s a time out room for men who have been relegated to the basement by the wife and kids.

    There are the odd exactions where it is by choice, but, sadly, its usually the small space that is the only area that the man has run of in his own home.

    Workshops aside, I think the idea of the man cave is a coping mechanism for loss of autonomy in the marriage.

  13. So I can watch movies in surround sound that my wife has no interest in, and have a place for my video game setups and other hobbies.

  14. It’s for men who aren’t allowed the things they enjoy in the house proper. They are relegated to a room. My wife and I share many of the same hobbies and we decorated our house together.

  15. If your calling a space you have a man cave it’s because your woman dominates everything else and it’s a joke that you have your own space.

  16. We need some place solely for ourselves. Somewhere nobody (or only a trusted few) can come/judge/yada yada. There are some aspects of men which only they themselves can understand and don’t want to share.

  17. To me, this is the place where my husband can make a mess, leave it a mess, have everything the way he wants it and I won’t say A THING about it.

  18. To get the fuck away. From everything. It’s the one place where we can put our shit without being judged and overruled. Let us have at least that

  19. When you’re married and you end up with half a drawer, a third of a closet and a quarter of a garage, you’ll get it.

  20. A space we can have our hobbies, get away from everything, and it’s all untouched by some “live love laugh” bullshit on the walls. ~Just guy things

  21. Giving men their own safe space where they can be their authentic selves and have fun with the boys

  22. The point of calling it a man cave is its for men emasculated by their wives into being forbidden from “overly blue collar” hobbies so they’re forbidden from having a room called a workshop or garage or lab or homelab, so its a “man cave”. Kind of tedious. If you want a table saw or a paint spray booth or a data center rack of computer hardware then do what you want and call it a workshop or whatever, “man cave” is just too emasculating, huge red flag. (edited to add: In my relationship I do most of the cooking because I’m very good at it, but stereotypically women do most of the world’s cooking, and it would be insulting to rename my kitchen the “woman cave” instead of just calling it a kitchen).

    The other giant red flag is sharing and cooperation. If you can’t decorate and cohabitate with your spouse, making a prison cell for yourself isn’t the answer. My wife has a couple scrapbooking tables in between my woodworking area and my electronics lab bench and we spend plenty of pleasant and fun time together in our shared “workshop” doing our hobbies. She used to complain about sawdust and I used to have lung problems until I invested in serious wood dust collection technology; if sawdust is collecting on her scrapbook stuff that means its collecting in my lungs so I fixed that problem permanently with lots of fans and filters; the point of the sawdust anecdote is if I couldn’t work with or live with my wife, why would I be married to her? So no need to build myself a prison cell away from her.

    So yeah, the purpose of a man cave is to be a giant relationship red flag.

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