Has it increased? Dropped? Any?

  1. Only one on a weekly/ monthly basis. And I consider him my only real friend, too. So it increased over the last 22 years. J/k, it decreased for sure.

  2. Maybe 6 or so at any given time. Mostly they’re our friends though, like we’re both part of the same group. I’d say it’s been around the same number in the 11 years we’ve been together; different people, but usually 4 – 6.

  3. Around 6. It’s increased since we’ve dated but that’s because he got a new friend through school that he likes to vent to when academia is being horrible as usual.

  4. She plays college basketball so quite a few. It’s gone up but I was the one who encouraged her to spend more time with her teammates/friends outside of the sport.

  5. Huzbend has a group of about 6 or so that he meets with weekly for game nights 🙂 it was the same group before we got married, so no change.

  6. About 5 he talks to regularly, 1-3 he hangs out with every few months. But we are home bodies for the most part.

  7. Maybe 2 or 3. He is more introverted than myself but he has a few really good friends he speaks to regularly and hangs out with monthly or so. Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on life.

    I’d say his friends circle has remained around the same number since he had some friendships that sort of just faded over time but he’s developed really good friendships with others that are solid and have been around for years.

  8. I think it really depends on the person and the relationship. My SO and I have a lot of mutual friends, so when we got together, our circle of friends kind of just expanded naturally. We talk to our friends regularly and hang out together almost all the time.

  9. His friends haven’t changed. He sees them the same amount as when we met. Mine have. I have fewer. Purely coincidental that 2 of my closest friends decided to be completely awful in the first year we were together. Making new friends is hard in my mid-50s.

  10. He has a solid 1.5 friends, I would say it’s decreased a significant number, we’ve moved halfway across the country and friendships didn’t hold, a few other showed true colors that were very bad.

  11. My SO has around 8~ friends of varying closeness that he talks with most days (usually on messenger, but sometimes phone calls too). But he only sees a friend around once a month.

    It’s decreased since being with my coz A) him and I spend a lot of time together esp on weekends when we go camping a lot, but also B) we moved a little north, and he’s now a 2 hour drive from most of his friends. We usually spend one weekend a month in his parents’ city, which is when he’ll/we catch up with his friends. And occasionally they come to our big city for events or festivals and we’ll see some of his friends there every few months, in addition to other times.

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