Title. I 26M was talking to this girl 24F and told her that I’m looking for something long term and she was surprised and said “on tinder”?

I’m not into hook ups personally.

  1. It’s not the MOST common but there ARE people on Tinder looking for long term relationships who just don’t want to pay a ton of money for other services. I was on there for awhile (wanted something long term) because I was getting tired of men on Bumble not holding up their end of a conversation. I met a couple like minded guys on Tinder, and even dated one guy for a year before we decided it wasn’t the right fit. So, you CAN find people looking for the same thing as you, but it might take more sifting through wrong matches. 🤷‍♀️

  2. Have you tried Hinge? A lot of people have better luck there if that’s looking for something serious. It’s where I met my boyfriend.

  3. No, not weird at all. This also may depend on where you live and the biases in your country about dating apps. But Tinder was created as a dating app! Dating means different things for different people, but some people would agree that dating is done to find a long term partner. Yes it is more often used for hook-ups too. But you must always state what you’re looking for in your bio like, casual dating/relationship/hookup/one night stand etc…. There are both kinds of people on tinder and I think the more we are clear about our preferences the better it can be to find someone.

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