Hey guys I need some help from anyone who ever had this feeling before? After masturbating one day all of a sudden a certain spot at the bottom side of my penis right near the bottom of the head and to the center where there’s that little thing that connects the head from the shaft, is a spot where it is more sensitive to touch than usual. It kinda feels like when you burnt your skin and it sort of stings. No physical signs such as bump or red skin it looks perfectly normal. After touching it for a bit the feeling disappears.

Has anyone at all experienced this and did it go away?

1 comment
  1. I’ve experienced this! In my opinion it’s nothing to be worried about. That little thing is your “frenulum” an sometimes it gets pulled a little too hard and can get a small tear in it.

    If you’re worried or symptoms persist you should visit a physician for peace of mind 🙂

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