Before looking at buying a katana or samurai sword I want to know the legality and if there is a aay to own one legally within the UK, can someone help?
I’ve looked at the government website and still not sure

Thanks in advance

  1. As far as I’m aware you can buy and own a Katana no problem. Just dont take it out of your own home?

  2. If it’s “made by traditional methods” (or an antique) then it’s fine*. Every curved sword sold by reputable dealers in the UK should be (else they’d be breaking the law). You can buy it and own it in your own home, but having it in a public place without “reasonable excuse” would be an offence.

    * There are no such restrictions on straight swords.

  3. Yes, it’s legal to own one, you can’t walk about town with it without a reason.

    I’m a member of a club that uses swords, and take mine to and from the club on the train, to the pub after.

    Do the police technically have the power to arrest me if they stop me and find my sword, yes, is there any prospect of me being prosecuted, no.

    Would any reasonable police officer bother to do so, no.

  4. You can buy non functional (blunt) ones online legally. A reputable place will ask for proof of ID and give you a call as well. I’ve bought from Blades UK before.

  5. Yes, katanas and samurai swords are legal in the UK, but check local laws for certain restrictions. Best of luck!

  6. since 2019 any curved sword longer than 50cm needs to be antique or made with historical techniques to be legal

    (search for curved in the below)—offensive-weapons-act-2019-part-4

    list of all prohibited weapons here–list-of-offensive-weapons

    its mainly mall ninja shit – some of them are a bit weird as the arguably aren’t particularly dangerous, and the law is a bit of a mess tbh

  7. I’ve got a good replica that nobody seems to want to buy. There’s nothing illegal about owning them or displaying them at home, you just can’t carry them around in public places. You obviously can’t use it as a weapon, even in self defence.

  8. Neighbours kid had a katana, he went to prison although I think that could have been for blasting the postman with an air soft gun so not too well versed on the legality of them I’m afraid

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