In particular those who have kids, where do you keep everything so that’s it’s easy to access yet secure enough to keep young kids from stumbling across your collection of unmentionables. Just been using a drawer in the night stand but that’s not going to work for much longer. Thanks!

  1. We have a big box labeled “sex toys” on the dresser. But that’s ok they can’t read yet and aren’t tall enough to reach up.

  2. We have a wicker basket beside our bed. It’s understood that you don’t snoop in mom and dad’s room.

  3. Before long, if it ain’t locked they’ll find it. If it is locked they’ll ask so get a convincing answer ready. Work on the same basis as hiding xmas presents!

  4. We have a small chest of drawers in our bedroom specifically for sex toys. Top drawer is for vibrators. Second drawer is for dildos and butt plugs. Third drawer is for larger dildos/lube/misc straps and cords and whatnot. Our kids (6 and 7) have gone through our toy chest plenty of times, because kids go through everything. They have asked about the toys before and we just explain it in an age appropriate way. We dont believe there is any good reason to go out of our way to hide our sex toys or that we are sexual beings. Obviously, we would never intentionally expose them to sexual acts or porn or anything like that. But they have walked in on us a handful of times. It isn’t really a big deal. We stop, cover up, appropriately answer the inevitable questions, put them back to bed, and then get back to it. I’d much rather have the occasional awkward conversation than hide it all from them until they learn about sex from their friends or pornography. Sex is a good thing and an important aspect of relationships.

  5. Lock box under the bed. Our kids are older now and away at school, but when they come home we lock it all up.

  6. On my beside table there is a small safe. Designed for a pistol. My kids believe it is a pistol incase some one ever breaks in. They know they are to never touch it. Inside are all the toys we can stuff in there

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