Me and my fiancé are in a long distance relationship which means when we do see each other we’re like rabbits. When we see eachother for a week and a half we’ll have sex three/four times each day. We’re both fit (I cycle daily and he plays a group sport regularly) and in our late twenties/early thirties.

Problem is, near the end of the week my partners legs or arms start to ache when we’re fucking and we sometimes have to stop. To assist with this we’ve both been doing mini work outs every morning and recording them and sending them to each other (squats, lunges, tricep dips, plank, etc).

However, I was wondering if anyone had any other tips? Be it better more efficient ways to fuck so he can go all week or any exercises you think would assist our bodies durability.

Thanks in advance!

  1. First, focus on the areas that are getting sore. If his arms and legs are getting sore the quickest, he should focus on those. I would also make sure to add exercises that focus on the core (crunches, situps, flutter kicks, Russian twists, etc.) to help.

    I also suggest adding yoga/stretching to the routine for increased mobility and flexibility.

    Also, with that much sex in a set amount of time is going to leave you both sore and worn out. To an extent, you can’t avoid the limitations of the human body.

    Edit: fixed spelling errors

  2. I would suggest working together on enjoying other types of sex than rampant fast and hard fucking. I’m assuming that’s what’s going on by your description of how fit, healthy and well exercised you both are. Someone that’s into running would run differently on a 5k run than they would do if were only running for 100m.

  3. Knowing that the biggest problem is long periods of time of activity, the solution is to work on the muscle endurance, not it’s strenght per se. This means long periods of stimule and working through the fatigue.

    You should work on the chore muscles, legs and hand grip.

    Since I started doing CrossFit my endurance is not dictated by the muscles, now it’s all in hands of my libido and the partner I am having fun with.

  4. Planking is an excellent exercise for many muscle groups and simulates missionary to some extent.

    Other than that, aerobic exercise like running and push ups should do it.

    No need to go mental and join a gym unless you really want to.

  5. Boyfriend and I also have multiple sessions a day but we don’t get any problems unless we did some new things our body’s aren’t used to.

    However this could be because were both a big fan of foreplay and teasing/cuddling so most of our time spent in the bedroom is on that, giving most of our body’s a rest.

    Soo my advice would be, take breaks by focussing on foreplay?

  6. I do the following at the gym: pullups, hangs, dips, seated row, squats or leg press, or step ups, pull downs only using my back muscles, military press, tricep pushups, then I move onto exercises with a 55cm ball: pilates 100 with the ball held between the ankles and then these
    Im also a cyclist so I train quite regularly on the bike.

  7. Planks might help endurance for the partner on top (either of you). For a receptive partner in a dominant position, I imagine deeeeeeep, high-rep squats would help build endurance.

    Anything that works your back and trunk seems like it would be handy.

    If you have access to heavy medicine balls and/or sandbags (think like a good fraction of a human’s bodyweight), and you have good technique so as not to hurt yourself, then some picks, carries, squats and holds with those might come in handy. If you can lift a 100 kg/220 lb ball, bear hug it, and squat with it a couple times, or if you get good at, like, lifting heavy sandbags from floor to your shoulder, the , manhandling your partner (safely, with their enthusiastic consent, and in whatever way you both find exciting) becomes easier. Work your way up to it.

    I lift because it’s fun, not for sex, so I’m just spitballing here, but these sound like they might help in various ways.

  8. Burpees, lots of burpees.

    You can even do them slowly. One of my coaches calls them geriatric burpees.

  9. Deadlifts and squats… both with low weight of 60-80kg…. My wife is 53 kg so 80 is still very loe but also more then her bodyweight.

    Rep range 20-30. Since i do these every week i can pick up my wife from everywhere at any time no problem… feels good to be in full controll of her body. She loves it getting picked up 🙂

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