My (f39) bf (m32) is going thru a major lifestyle change. When we met he was just coming into himself (for lack of a better description). He had recently (2 years prior) started a career job. He had (1 year prior) moved into his own home from his parents house. He used to bounce at a bar. He used to spend 2-3 nights at the bar when he wasn’t working. He drank regularly and had some one night stands. His longest relationship was 2m aside from one in his late teens that was 3 years. As of his last bday (june)he did some soul searching and decided this wasn’t the lifestyle he wanted to continue. He lessened going out to once per two week period. He became more responsible about his drinking. He started evaluating the type of person he actually wanted to be with and himself to be. I showed up in Sept 2021. I divorced in 2020 from a 17 year relationship. I have a high moral standard (one night stands are something I view as selfish/disrespectful in my own life and won’t participate-but don’t expect others to hold my value). I don’t drink regularly. My lifestyle has never been one to be in a bar regularly (I had kids young). Aside from the obvious lifestyle differences we get along great. I feel I had to grow up at a younger age and he is still sorting that out some days. He has always treated me with respect and kindness. We have been able to discuss most topics without conflict (something that wasn’t the case at all in my previous relationship). He has continued to make changes as our relationship has grown. I get apprehensive bc I dont want him to change for me. He says I’ve caused him to grow. What he saw as unattainable high standard I’ve shown to be attainable. For me this is a lot of emotional pressure. To sorta hold the standard for the relationship. I am a very black and white thinker. He is more gray, go with the flow. Which has provided an interesting balance for our relationship. He has made his intentions of wanting to pursue a marriage known. Bc of the divorce I am losing the marital home. Is it dumb to move forward given he is still figuring things out? In my past relationship my ex said he went along with things despite not really agreeing with them. I dont want that to be repeated here. My hesitancy is going forward and then having conflicts regularly bc we don’t match or he is still unsure of where he stands on a topic. I have 4 kids (teens) that will be in the home every other week. He let’s me manage them but I would anticipate a more active roll if we were altogether. He has said he would like to play a more active roll as well. Thoughts/suggestions?

Tl/dr bf lived a lifestyle with not much personal assessment or accountability prior to meeting me. Now he is trying to have a high standard and more moral lifestyle. Do I stay to see if we end up matching better?

  1. > Do I stay to see if we end up matching better?

    Sure, why not? Would you want to stay if he weren’t attempting greater growth? His current course sounds more promising than that of someone who thinks they’ve already got it figured out, because *nobody* has it figured, and life is about trying to do just that.

    He sounds pretty cool!

  2. What do you mean by ‘move forwards’? Do you already live together? If not, why does anything need to change right away? You could continue seeing each other and seeing how things pan out. I find it a little odd he wants a more active role in your kids lives when their dad is still around (am assuming he is as you say the kids will be with you 50% of the time). I have a similar set up and my partner has no parenting input at all, beyond offering me advice if I ask for it, me and my ex parent our child together. But, it’s not clear what he means by that. It sounds like you have a good relationship but you’re hesitant to repeat the past….my advice would be to keep things as they are for now and take more time

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