Single women of Reddit, how often do you think about finding a partner?

  1. Rarely. It’s not a big priority for me in life. Finding and making friends is more of a priority for me.

  2. Ever so often but it doesn’t feel as urgent or intense as it used to feel. I guess I am ok with that and happy with thinking of other things.

  3. I have fallen in love several times but I have so much unrealistic expectations that I gave up on it years ago.

  4. I never really thought about it before. I used to love being single. But lately, I’m really feeling the loneliness, so I think about finding a partner a lot. I hate it.

  5. Like 2 or 3 days/month.

    One of my best friends is planning her wedding so I have been thinking about it a little bit more this days.

  6. I don’t. I’m a fwb kind of woman. Needs should be met, but my life is fulfilled by my own habits, passions, career, leisure activities, friends, etc.

  7. These last few months maybe once or twice a week. I’ve been single for two years now and doing great but I’m starting to get in the mood for meeting people.

  8. All the time, unfortunately. At this point in my life everyone around me has married and started a family so its a constant thought in my mind

  9. Every day.

    I got out of my last relationship in Sept. It takes me a long, long time to get over relationships, especially if they meant something.

    I am also happier when I have romantic love than any other time in my life. It is really nice to feel seen and known and loved. I have these pockets of peace that comes from being with the one I love. I miss that.

    Folks say that all you have to do is love yourself. I love myself more now than I ever have. I value my contribution to the world now as much as I ever had. And, still.

    I went to see Avatar today. I went to the noon matinee, and I was all alone in the theater. And that is cool, but it is also sad. There were times I wanted to look over and smile at someone and there was no one there. I would have shared my popcorn, the small was way too big, but I was alone. For a while the movie magic of the IMAX 3-D allowed me to imagine I was part of a beautiful world in which I was loved and seen. Then it was over.

    I have a ticket to Hamilton next month. I will be going alone. I just booked a vacation. You guessed it, traveling alone.

    But, I don’t think it is fair or healthy to start something else when you are still emotionally attached to someone else. So, loneliness is not a problem I can solve right now.

  10. All the time! I may be old and probably past my used by date but I still often fantasise that I might meet someone compatible. I don’t know if it’s possible but I hope that if I keep up with my hobbies and passions, I might meet someone who shares the same likes eventually.

  11. Everyday. I’ve been single my whole life. So I definitely think about what I’m missing out on and what I want in the future.

  12. I was good being solo for a long time and only the last few weeks or so have I started wondering if this is it for me.

    I’d be okay living my life solo but the potential finality of it seems scary.

  13. Here and there when I get bored but honestly these current relationships and the men available do nothing to encourage much thinking 😂😂

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