Hey everyone. I’m in my last semester of university and it just hit me that | don’t really have any friends. No one | can be excited about graduating with, no one that waits to see me once | get to university, no one to hang out with. | just feel so alone. Everyone all around me seems like they’re having the best time of their lives going out and chilling and then there’s me. | really don’t know what to do or how to make friends and its scaring me honestly. Any advice?

1 comment
  1. Best advice is to give up and tell yourself you’ll start working on meeting people as soon as you enter the next phase of life. New fresh start, new energy to make friends. I only say this is the best advice because it’s the most likely thing that you’ll be able to accomplish with your mental state.

    In reality, the best advice is probably to take whatever opportunities you have left in college and meet some people in class to study with, attend clubs, and sit next to someone at the dining hall. If you don’t have a meal plan, then just pay. But this is such a stark contrast to your personality and behavior that it’s probably impossible for you to do, so I don’t consider it the best advice.

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