First post on here, I feel a little odd about it honestly. But I’m wondering, as an 18 year old man, if 18-20 is just a weird age in general. Most people you know leave to different schools or paths and you can’t do the whole drinking thing for dating unless you have good connections (which I would think makes dating women 21+ harder). Of course that also excludes many venues that dates often happen at. Idk, just seems like a time for building up but at the same time that gets especially lonely given one may not be used to having the social outlets (online college) and close friends around that were once there. Of course there is work, but professionalism is far different than being genuine.

  1. You are still a teenager. Yes it is an awkward age. It’s a crazy emotional time. Your early 20s will be tumultuous too. You have no life experience, you don’t know who you are, your brain is still developing and in a period of dramatic change that doesn’t stop until 25. You will often be lonely, depressed and feel lost. Change and growth is usually painful. But it is a fun time as well. Try to focus on the positives in your life and enjoy the new experiences. You define your reality by your attitude.

  2. Most men under 18-23 have no status and women tend to want to date men with status.

    For women they are desired by men age 16 – 60.

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