Why are you in a relationship were you are not happy anymore? Or why were you? (If this is or was your case)

  1. I had stayed too long because I didn’t really know what happy was. I thought I had normal ‘been together a while’ boredom and doubts but I was wrong. I left because I realized I didn’t want him to be the father of my children. I never regretted it because it turns out I wasn’t happy at all.

  2. I kept hoping he would honor his promise to put an effort in. I now realize that it was just manipulation to keep me around.

  3. I think I stayed for so long due to a couple of reasons. I felt like I was too old to re enter the dating scene. I worried about who was out there and if I would essentially be giving up my opportunity to have a child. I also thought that maybe no one would want me. Not to mention, I was scared to be lonely.

  4. I stayed because I hoped he would do his part to work on the issues we had but he never did. Him bringing up marriage led me to end things.

  5. Because we have a young child together and although I’m not happy, I do love him. I’d love him even more if he put me and our 20 month old son first and thought of us before himself.

  6. I stayed because of his potential. My parents loved him and he was great don’t get me wrong but we should have broken up sooner. I saw who he could be and I clung onto that idea of him for a really long time.

  7. So, I was always “the competent one” in my relationship. I could figure out how to get things done and fix things, while my SO was kind of a nervous wreck, but a sweet and loving one. Also, he was running himself ragged working a full time job and running a business on the side, while I was working part time and having fun. It made sense for me to hold things together, to make sure he was fed, bring him coffee at work, do the laundry and grocery shopping, etc. because I had more free time.

    But something changed. I got a lucrative job offer in another state. We decided to move to take it, and I would work my dream job and he would finally quit the job he hated and try to live his dream of being an artist. He had my full support.

    And then I came down with a serious illness. And, guess what…he did not show up for me. He left me at the emergency room in the middle of the night to go home and sleep, and I had to Uber home. I was taking cabs to all my doctor appointments (my illness made it so I couldn’t drive). My boss was letting me work from home, and he’d come home and wonder aloud why I hadn’t done laundry or made dinner during my work day. He wouldn’t even pick up doing the grocery shopping. He made me go out into the rain and cold to go with him to run easy errands he didn’t think he could handle by himself.

    Considering I had always dropped everything for him when he was sick or in trouble, I was hoping for the same sort of support, and I did not get it. Why did I even have him? I left him shortly after I recovered from my illness. I’m better off on my own.

  8. Because I’m still hoping he’ll come around, and I rarely interact with people or go out so meeting someone might be slightly difficult. I’m so tired and exhausted of reaching out all the time without an adequate response.

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