When guys say ‘I want our hang out to be an exclusive date because I like you’ Does it mean we are just dating but not yet a gf and bf thing? Do guys automatically think that further talks ‘actually mentioning gf, bf, or relationship’ are needed to be brought up later on?

  1. I would suggest asking him ot random guys on the internet. Better and more accurate response that way. Everyone voices their intentions differently.

  2. I think what he might mean is that he likes you in a gf bf way but he doesn’t want to have a conventional date.

    He wants to date you, and he wants that hang out to be the date,

    He wants to know if he can be comfortable around you and do what he usually does but as bf and gf.

    This is just my interpretation, hope it helps

  3. Sounds like he’s in the friend zone and doesn’t know he’s in the friend zone. You might want to tell him.

  4. If he says he wants to go on a date with you, that *probably* means he wants to go on a date with you.

    And no, going on a date does not mean he is immediately a boyrfriend, that depends on how your date(s) go.

    A date is a chance to evaluate a potential boyfriend/girlfriend, it’s not an Engagement-Lite.

  5. Men are very simple. He is telling you he wants to go on a date with you, with the intention of potentially making you his gf should you reciprocate those feelings

  6. It means you’re dating somebody who is either amazingly socially awkward or dumb as a stump. If a man can’t simply have a conversation with you and have to use a sentence is stupid as the one you listed then that reflects upon him and you should run away

  7. 1. It means that he wants to go on a date with you, not go out with a group of friends as a larger friend’s thing.
    2. It does not mean he asked you to be his exclusive gf.
    3. If you are both young and you know this guy to be the sort of guy who doesn’t date often, it is probably fair to suspect his intention is eventually to date you exclusively if your dates go well.
    4. You aren’t bf and gf and exclusive until you have a discussion about it where you both say that is what you want.

    Since you sound like you might be young I will add:

    1. I suggest is be yourself on the date as he knows you and have fun and all, but include some discussion about relationships/values/expectations. This is an important thing that people who want to date exclusively and seriously do. People who go with “just have fun” mentality tend to date far more casually and less exclusively.
    2. Also figure out what your boundaries are before the date, what are the range of things you are comfortable with and not comfortable with.

  8. Translated in my version of the male language it means “Lemme test this out and if it goes well I want to be your boyfriend”

  9. The BF/GF talk is usually an actual conversation… “Would you like to be my girlfriend.” — “Yes”.

    Until then, you’re just dating.

    “Hanging out” is not a date, the clarification they’re making is to make sure you know it’s a date, not just a friendly get-together.

  10. I’m currently “dating” a girl. We are going on dates, we are intimate, and I would not date anyone else in the meantime, but I haven’t asked her to be exclusive with me yet. It’s definitely a weird grey area.

  11. If he says that to you, it’s a pretty clear green light to fully discuss the matter.

    Generally, if a guy likes a girl enough to come out and make that kind of statement, he doesn’t want her to go and date other guys at the same time as him, but there are some guys out there into nonmonogamy.

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