21 yo male here. I see the world as being so dull and boring rn. I have taken some stuff before for several months from a doctor and saw no results so i stopped. Months later and i can no longer function. Imagine living life with absolutely zero emotion. It took me 15 minutes to get the energy to make this message out of desperation.

Tl;dr- No energy, emotion, motivation. What are the first steps?

  1. Wish I knew. I’ve been living like this for over 31 years. Stayed at this dead end job because it doesn’t ask much of me…doesn’t pay anything either.

  2. That sounds like depression. Been struggling with severe depression for 12 years now..

    Try and get a therapist.

    There is help out there and it does get easier. Hang in there my man.

  3. Regarding medication, not every pill works for every person, in fact some make things worse for certain people. If you wanna go that route again, have your doctor prescribe something different.

  4. No joke, go for walks, maybe you’ll find a nice bagel shop or something, talk to interesting people. Life is for experiencing, not just existing

  5. Try something new every week, go to a museum, listen to some philosophy, try a ne drink or try a new sport. It won’t help at first, but at the end of the year you will have tried 52 things you haven’t done before. Something most people don’t reach.

    Also go to a therapist, or a diëtist if a psychologist is to big of a step. It’s frightening how much food affects your emotional state.

  6. Come back in a few years when your brain is done developing. You barely qualify as a real person at 21.

  7. Realize you don’t have a monopoly on the worlds problems. It took me years to accept that fact. Once I realized how good I had it my outlook on life changed. I still have bad days but I have learned to slap myself outta my ruts. Until you’re buried 6 feet under your story isn’t over yet.

  8. My son is about your age. I have also gone through dark times so I can empathize with your situation – one of the best things I would suggest is to start learning how to get out of this funk you’re in. There are some practical things you can start doing to improve. I made it through and I’m am now living a happy life… and my son is doing much better and starting to see more vibrance in the world.

    There is so much I would like to say but begin here : Watch Jordan Peterson on YouTube. He is a psychologist and public intellectual. There is a good talk he has on His 12 rules for life. It’s a good start – link [here](https://youtu.be/-5RCmu-HuTg).

    No one is going to do it for you. Life is a contact sport and you have to start taking control of your days other wise nothing will change and it will always be shitty. It’s a battle and you have to want to win.

    Here is another one I think is quite powerful: [here](https://youtu.be/bMpAyWrQpLY)

  9. As a man in the grips of his descent into actual madness, I sympathize. It’s not fun, buddy. You don’t sound crazy, though. More like depressed. Do you want to know what crazy really is? It’s when there are 3 other very distinct personalities living inside your head; with whom you must (begrudgingly) share a world space. It’s when you’re intelligent and articulate enough to track this bullshit, yet your memories start going and you’re not quite “yourself” anymore, because you’re literally not “You”. It’s when you blackout after 1 or 2 of your personalities take the wheel. That is crazy. You just sound like you’re either sad or depressed. I almost envy you tbh

  10. Without goals there’s no direction or sense of value. If you’re depressed, it’s probably difficult to find your emotions again, but they’re in there somewhere. I find that art helps envoke them (or a good movie or book). What do you want from life? Don’t worry about what’s realistic for now, if you could have anything, what would it be? What would make even hard work worth it?

    If you can’t think of anything, it’s likely because you’re living in your head rather than your body and the moment, or because pain or monotony has made you apathetic.

    All that “mindfullness” stuff you might have heard about is great for breaking out of this. I recommend coffee and cold showers to increase your dopamine levels. If you’re not addicted to social media or watching TV or other such behaviour which mess with the dopamine system, then it’s likely depression. How are things socially? I find that socializing makes life more rich, it also inspires me to work and create things

  11. Dude they make more than one pill for a reason. There’s quite a few and your doctor can help you find the one that works.

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