What would go through your mind if your ex, or current partner, realised they were ace?

  1. “Checks out, totally makes sense. Glad we broke up and I hope you’re having a more satisfying personal life now that you’ve figured that out about yourself.”

  2. Ex partner, wouldn’t matter, we aren’t together anymore.

    Current partner, relationship done, we aren’t compatible. Hope she finds what she’s looking for.

    Edit fixing autocorrect

  3. That would be the end of that relationship. We both have needs and wants that should be respected. I’m not going to ask her to do something she doesn’t WANT to do, but sex is important to me. So we’d have to go our separate ways.

  4. My ex?

    “Yet another desperate attempt at attention seeking”

    Current partner is demisexual so if they told me they were ace I’d take.that to mean they no longer liked me.

  5. “She doesn’t have a sex drive. So, we aren’t compatible. Should probably find someone else”

  6. Ex: Don’t care
    Current Partner: “Well it was fun while it lasted but I don’t think we’re compatible. Wish you well in all your future endeavors”

  7. If it was my ex, I literally would not care even the slightest amount. If it was my current partner, we’d have to break up I guess, but no reason we couldn’t still be friends

  8. Ex, I wouldn’t care.

    I’m single atm so I’ll deal in hypothetical current partners:

    Someone I just started dating? Instant breakup.

    Someone I’ve been dating for a while? See this is where the issue starts. If she’s asexual but still willing to have sex with someone she feels an emotional connection to I would consider it. If not, we would need to find a solution. Assuming no kids are involved, then I’d ask if she would be willing to have a one-sided open relationship. If she isn’t, it would probably lead to a breakup, eventually.

    If kids are involved and my wife is asexual but loving… I’d just masturbate a lot and be sexually frustrated for my kids’ sake I guess

  9. If it’s my current partner, I’ll be disappointed because we will need to break up. Even if she’s willing to have sex, it won’t feel right.

  10. Ex … In one case, I wouldn’t be surprised.
    Current … Either we open the relationship from my end or I’m out.

  11. Funny thing is that in my generation “ace” meant great or brilliant.
    It gives the original question a whole new meaning (and highlights that i am woefully behind the times, obviously).

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