Hey, how’s your week going so far ?

  1. Lost 3 kg so I’m on track with my weight loss journey.

    Started with 88. Now 85. 72 kg is doable by the summer.

  2. Not bad. I think my boss finally realized I’m expected to do too much, so he’s made shit pretty easy for me since Monday.

  3. I’ll feel better when my mom is home from the hospital tomorrow, but my dad said that her surgery went well so my week is going good so far!

  4. It’s going alright, I’m starting to get the hang of the newer songs I started practicing on my bass.

  5. So far so good. Making progress with being able to see and spend time with my daughter, and money is starting to trickle back after a cpl month dry spell. Headed in the right direction

    And thanks for the check in 👍
    We often lack support as men, even within our own families and social circles, so it’s vital we stick together. 💪

  6. My wife’s water just broke, sitting in a Dallas hospital waiting for my son. She’s watching TV and I’m on Reddit trying to distract myself from thinking about how I wish I was in a better position to bring him into. We had really bad weather last week and I missed a few days of work. There could always be more money, but this just became an amazing week.

  7. tiring.

    this is the busy season for mental healthcare workers…winter drags on, people are depressed and lonely, SAD is in full effect, and spring is over a month away. people are sad, bored, lonely, and sick of being indoors, psychiatrist appointments are hard to come by because it’s the busy time, and i’m feeling the same way they are, because i’m also sick of winter.

    i’m starting to feel burnout rearing its ugly head again.

  8. It’s been a great week. We just hired two new people to help me out at work, I got a bonus and a promotion this week. And I’m taking Friday off to play “The video game that shall not be named” 🤣

    Been working crazy hours since November, I can finally stop next week.

  9. Not great. I just found out that I didn’t get the job I have been interviewing for all month. I also just found out that my four year old son and I have Covid again.

  10. Hectic.

    I had to fire three employees on Monday, have a STRONG discussion with my Sysco rep on Monday, dealt with my kids BS on Tuesday, and spent the better part of today finishing up the Valentine’s Day menu.

  11. Was going great, then started feeling sick at work on Monday evening, took a Covid test this morning- positive👎🏼

  12. Dealing with a boutique of crippling back pain that feels like I’m being stabbed in the spine with hot needles

  13. Spent all week restoring grand daddys old muzzle loader. Rust removal, reblueing, polishing the bore, adjusting the trigger, polishing all the mechanical parts, and just overall cleaning it. I plan to show him this weekend that the old girl is out of retirement, and still king of the roost when it comes to the best rifle on the farm.

  14. It’s going amazing so far got to go to rockzilla last night which was fun an a small break from regular everyday stuff.

  15. Alright I guess, stuck in a metal box in the middle of the sea waiting for the whirlybird to take me back to civilisation.

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