she is my crush, i started dating her a month ago and we just had sex for the first time. well… if you can even call it that. i literally didn’t even get my penis halfway inside her and i came. it was the most disappointing thing ever. i’ve only had sex 2 other times before hand and i also didn’t masturbate for a few days before hand. i wasn’t expecting to have sex with her that night, but i literally couldn’t even look at her i was so embarrassed. is this normal? i was incredibly nervous and excited and just the thought of being inside her was enough to get me crazy. has anyone else had to unfortunately experience this? she told me she doesn’t care because she has no expectations and that we will probably have sex nearly every day we see each other and it will get better in time, but i don’t buy it and i feel i absolutely let her down…

  1. >It will be better in time.

    Wise words!

    Also being excited and nervous is all good.

    Maybe in the future don’t PIV until she’s had at least 1 orgasm. For that you have fingers and a tongue. Remember most women don’t orgasm from PIV most of the time, so you need to concentrate on other areas.

  2. I think this is so cool. My ex couldn’t come half the time and we’d go hour and a half. Left me wondering if I was attractive or good at sex or could please a man at all.

  3. She reacted naturally and appropriately for the situation. Thank her and believe her. Her expectations sound more helpful than yours.

  4. It be like that my guy, don’t feel bad at all because that happens fr. You didn’t let her down and you will get better trust me.

  5. It will get better with practice. I (22,M) would take it as a compliment if my partner came before the actual intercourse even began. It could be interpreted as really wanting your partner. You wanted her so bad you came.

  6. It’s flattering! If you’re really concerned about it just tell her how the mere thought of being inside her worked you up so much you exploded instantly. That she is so irresistible you couldn’t contain yourself. And you’re looking forward to longer sessions as well…and may pregame to help relieve the tension and extend duration.

  7. That happened to me a few times. Mainly with 1 specific girl who had what I would think was a hot body, I was too attracted to her and one day she got on top of me and once it went in, I came immediately lol no thrust or anything. Never happened to me before or again actually. I was embarrassed but she didn’t mind since I could go again a few minutes later. But just try not to make it a habit or that may be a bad thing to some woman.

  8. Happened to me recently. I’ve slowly gotten a little better as we progress, unless it’s doggy style lol that just is too much for me. You have a good partner and I think you two will have a lot of fun exploring together. My partner was the same way and made me feel very comfortable about the situation.

  9. I cant speak for her, or other women. But I can tell you, I only want a two pump chump. It is SO SEXY. I would have been over the moon if my guy didn’t even get all the way in before busting. Just don’t stop the session. Keep touching her, fingering her, oral, toys. You aren’t done just because YOU are done.

  10. I think it’s a compliment for her. My partner and I were just talking about this this morning. We’d been sick and yesterday we finally got some time and when it came down to it we were both like, under a minute. It was a compliment to us both, in my view. If you’re into each other, which you clearly are, I’m sure she will see it for the compliment it is – she turned you on so much that you couldn’t help it!

  11. Could be worse, I’ve choked the chicken so much I cannot finish via PIV, although I’m working on it aha. Trust me bro, it happens to (almost) everyone, there’s nothing to be ashamed about 🙂

  12. I love when my boyfriend comes super fast. It’s like a huge ego boost. That said, he doesn’t come right away that often. And when he does, he makes sure I’m pleased as well.

    I don’t think it will continue to be an issue for you, so don’t be too anxious about that. Sex requires practice, like all other skills. There are things you can do to help your stamina (such as masturbating beforehand), but most likely this will get better with time. If it does happen again or is a continued thing, then just make sure you know how to please your partner(s) in other ways.

  13. She is probably flattered, and despite the way people talk about this stuff online, cumming fast isn’t always a chronic issue lol it was first time with this girl and you’re not that experienced, it will get better. Also if you’re ever worried about it make sure you jerk off the morning before or even a day before can help you last a little longer. You guys will be ok and I wish you both the best! Congrats!

  14. Tbh first time I would take this as a compliment don’t be to hard on yourself she’s right in what she says

  15. That was my first time with my first real gf too. I had had sex twice before, like you.
    Once I penetrated her, I just repainted her cervix without giving her a single stroke.

    And like your girl, she said not to worry. She said it’ll get better.
    I believed her, and the sex-life we eventually shared was nothing less than magical.

    Hang in there, be honest and communicate with her. And don’t forget to thank her for being patient.

  16. A lot of guys don’t know this, but most guys have a second nut in them. Wait like 2 mins, then start jerking off or maybe get her to suck your flaccid dick until it gets hard lol. You’ll last a lot longer that second time, sometimes you won’t finish…but you can stop when she’s had enough.
    I really wish I knew this when I was a lot younger

  17. Don’t feel bad lol, she (hopefully) is taking it as a compliment. A couple tips: 1 is to masturbate the night before. The more days in a row you masturbate/have sex, the longer you’ll last. The 2nd is to get her a vibrator of some sort, or 2 vibrators (one for clit, other for inside), and then use it on her so she gets to finish too, either before or after. I find that once a girl cums once, it becomes easier for her to cum subsequent times. Or do it afterwards, either is fine.

  18. I did this with my future wife the first time. It’s normal. It’s fine. It will only be bad, if you let it get bad. Every woman has bedding horror stories, many happen before they ever even have sex. This is nothing.

    Do not be embarrassed. It just means you’re incredibly attracted to her. A good woman will be complemented by this, and even turned on. My wife certainly was.

    Change your attitude, or you will lose your girl. You really like her in every way. That’s a good thing.

  19. Your partner sounds great my dude and she’s absolutely right, it will get better in time for sure. Nerves can be crippling but they’re a good thing, it means you care!

    Whilst you may feel some embarrassment, your partner sounds like someone who isn’t fazed by this. Talk to her if you can, and learn about each other sexually next time. Without teaching you how to suck eggs, focus on the foreplay, find out what works for her and for yourself too and then build on them foundations.

    And let me tell you a little secret, nobody was experienced in the ol’ sex department until they got some experience in the ol’ sex department. I didn’t know my arse from my elbow the first few times and had a really similar experience to you with a girl. You’ll shake it off, I’m sure of that.

    Go well my friend.

  20. I’d recommend talking to her about this if you haven’t already. I doubt she’ll be upset that you were too enthusiastic for her. This could further grow your relationship if you let it.

  21. I’ve last 20 seconds in bed… I’ve lasted 5 hours in bed… and everything in between. There are so many variables to what makes someone last longer or not that it’s to even know where to begin. It could be inexperience, it could be nervousness, it could be hormones.

    I wouldn’t let this bring you down… trust me… it’s normal. For me personally the more I am comfortable with my lover the better I am and the longer I last. She was your crush and you are a new relationship. Give it time and you’ll be having nice long sessions, focus on forming a stronger deeper connection with her.

  22. Never feel bad about coming early or fast. It’s amazing to be able to get so aroused that you can finish in a few minutes. Taking ages to cum on the other hand, that’s no fun at all for either partner. I’d trade anything I have to be able to nut fast

  23. Man this is mad cute my first time it was the opposite I couldn’t cum for anything man and my girl was in pain from it. She ended up crying and i immediately stopped and asked if she was ok she said it hurt and I held her and comforted her. I was used to my hand too much and it was her first time too intercourse was painful for her. But now we have great sex and both finish. First times tend to suck even if it’s not your first time but the first time with that person. It’ll get better don’t worry and don’t read into anything she said it’s fine man.

  24. Be honest, none of these stupid games about relationship power, blah blah. If you’re honest and she takes advantage of your honesty then she’s using you and you’re better off knowing early.

    Tell her in person, “Im super embarrassed about the other day. [You know I’ve had a crush on you forever and] I was just so excited and nervous to be with someone as attractive as you that I couldn’t help myself. I know it’s unrealistic to be able to go for hours and hours, but it was instant and again, Im embarrassed. I hope that didn’t turn you off. I want to keep rolling around in bed with you.”

  25. Trust what your girl says. Believe what she said. Being insecure will ruin your relationship.

  26. Don’t be ashamed broski! It’s like lifting: some can doing 5+ pull ups some can do none. When I had sex the first time with my gf (now wife), it was the same deal. Hell we even joke about it from time to time.

    Keep your head up, be confident in your self, and keep on practicing!

  27. (F25) I get super turned on by making a guy cum quick because I get turned on by knowing I’m turning someone else on. I’ll just sit there pleased thinking like ‘fuck I must be hot’
    Just make sure you give her a good time next time you see her 😉

  28. Totally fine

    just next time you make it all the way in look at her and say new record. Have a laugh and keep it moving.

  29. I adored a girl in elementary school. She switched schools and so I didn’t see her for years until I was driving down the street and saw her again when we were both 18 and 19. We started dating. I ended up blowing on her stomach on my way to get in I was so excited. It happens.

  30. I cum fast as shit always have always will probably. Not as much a big deal now that I’m married, probably even preferred. I’d suggest investing in and taking your time during foreplay.

  31. Learn to do foreplay my dear friend . Have a date night , get good muzic , good food or what she enjoys , maybe something to drink . Invite her to a romantic dance , make it special , get good at oral sex , use your fingers , make her feel like she is the world to you . Start slowly, kiss , touch her body , boobs , compliment her , go down and make your magic work . Sex is good , but making love is 1000% times better

  32. Take the easy route

    > she doesn’t care because she has no expectations and that we will probably have sex nearly every day we see each other and it will get better in time

    Believe Her!

  33. This happened with my boyfriend and I when we first had sex too! And a few times after haha. Totally normal!

  34. It’s all good man many guys experience something like that. Most women also can’t cum from penetration alone so foreplay is incredibly important, use your fingers and your mouth (if both of you are comfortable with it btw) and she will likely reciprocate. Also most women will find you cumming endearing for of a lack of a better word as it shows you are excited and attracted to them. Also cuddle her afterwards, help her clean up and the like she will definitely appreciate that. Best of luck to you buddy!

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