My best friend has been dating this guy for almost a year. From the start i knew he was trouble. He was and still so so secretive. He cheated on her while she was going through a miscarriage. They broke up for maybe a month. They got back together and he said he’d better himself. They are pregnant again. He has no job and relies on her for EVERYTHING. He doesn’t even drive. She drives him everywhere. He’s kicked her out of HIS MOMS house so many times. He throws things and yells at her. He’s always accusing her of cheating. She has gotten mad at our other friends for telling her she needs better. She’s always saying she’s tired of people telling her about her relationship but I can’t sit back anymore and watch this go down. Especially since she’s pregnant. I can only imagine how bad it’s going to be when the baby is here. What should i do?

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