I am pretty sexually inexperienced. I’ve had 3 partners, and my third partner is the one girl I’ve been seeing for about a month. We have almost consistently had sex for the past month, and have been having good sex.

That said, I’m a very average guy down there. I have watched a lot of porn growing up as most guys have, and it’s tainted my confidence. I look down at my penis inside of her vagina, and it’s not some big penis. Also Reddit porn has killed my confidence too because most guys on here have big dicks too and it’s making me super insecure.

Another thing that makes me insecure is that she says she likes it when I go deep, but I can’t really get that deep. My dick is maximum 6 inches long. I just start thinking about the fact that she will probably eventually have sex with bigger ones and enjoy it more than me and think back about how I was smaller. I please her but I wish I had a bigger dick to please her even more and it’s killing my confidence. I’m 23 btw.

  1. 1) Women don’t think like guys. There is a reason vaginas are elastic. 2) Lots of women don’t want big dicks. Women see and are like “You’re not putting that in me” and the most you get is a hand job. Women have to be much wetter. If they are into big dicks it works but in a LTR having to be super wet every time can be exhausting I’ve been told. Some women go with a big dick the first time because it’s different but many times they just don’t want it long term so they tell the guy “We just are not sexually compatible.”

    Women care WAY more about the chemistry, emotional connection (if it’s a ltr) and how good you are as a lover. Can you sense what they respond to and give them more of that whether it’s closeness, back rubs, humor. Most importantly, most women cum easier from oral sex. Most women I’ve been with would rather have 1 finger during oral sex than 2 or 3 because “it’s distracting”.

    Having confidence and being good in bed is way more attractive to women than a huge dick.

  2. Stop watching porn and just enjoy your time together. Discuss with your partner what she likes and is curious about trying. New toys or positions. Build intimate experience and trust together so she knows she can come to you for her desires openly.

  3. Stop watching porn….It isn’t realistic and it’s killing your confidence. Comparison is the thief of joy.

  4. There is no such thing has average penis size. I hate when people say that. You did it to yourself thinking all penis’ look like a porn stars. PORN IS NOT REALITY, JUST A FANTASY! Its all good lighting and good camera angles. 6 inches is very good length and if your gf isnt complaining about it, stop worrying about it. Its you killing your confidence. Us women, dont want a dick that is too big for our vaginas. We dont want you to beat it up that hard and she told you she likes it when you go deep, so clearly you are accomplishing that! Stop looking at porn and worry more about enjoying sex with your gf

  5. Porn, the way Europeans and Americans do it requires a lot of camera positions and angles that only work if the guy had a big dick, hence porn stars are the ones with big dicks. Assuming you are measuring it the same way wiki does you are above average so don’t worry.

  6. I’m similar sized. Zero issues with anyone dumping me for a bigger penis. Yes, there are a few people who want size, but it’s not common and it’s the least important factor for having good sex.

  7. Vaginas aren’t a foot long. There are women on this sub who have issues will men being too big and battering their cervix. I was literally just talking to a friend who is single and she said her preference is 4 to 6 inches.

    You are watching porn made for men, not women. Its an exaggerated power fantasy. Many women don’t care that much about size. Take a break for porn and get more used to your own body and what you can do with it. You just said sex was good, ask the girl how it can be better and just listen to her, not porn.

  8. I totally agree with most of the comments on here as far as watching porn. What is more important is understanding the female you are with and understanding what brings her to orgasm. What you must realize is that 90% of the orgasm happens within an inch of the entry of the vagina. Though it is nice for women to have a feeling of being filled. That does not mean it needs to be eight or 10 inches long the only thing is that’s going to come from that is damage internal honestly. Understanding the female anatomy is a lot more important than the size of the package as well. Once you’ve been able to accomplish this with one female it will be easier to understand how it is done with all ,although that does not guarantee that you will be able to please all women. Just my humble opinion been married nearly 20 years.

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