Do you believe that in a marriage with kids involved, if a parent decides to leave the home AND the kids, the mom loses more than when the dad leaves? It’s very common for dads to leave the wife and kids, but is it because he’s of lesser commodity than the mom (in terms of raising a family)? Or why do you think more dads leave than moms do?

  1. I don’t know, I’m a woman and I wouldn’t think twice about walking out on kids if they some how managed to be born.

  2. Probably because the bond that mothers usually have with their children is formed so early. They carry them, keep them safe, then physically give birth to them. They’re literally attached to their child body before the child is born. Feeling every kick, hiccup, etc while nourishing them to come into the world.

  3. Women initiate divorce at a much higher rate then men, and are awarded custody at an even higher rate.

    So dad’s don’t leave, they are forced out.

    Thankfully more states are adopting more clear cut and less sexually biased laws

  4. Both my parents stayed married until I was 20 and my dad wouldn’t have to pay child support for my sister.

    But my husband’s parents split when he was 12 and his mom took off in the middle of the night without telling anyone leaving his dad to care for 5 kids on his own.

    So that said depends on the person and priorities.

  5. I think because some men are natural hunters, meaning they seek out others and by society are raised to be this way, unless you have a good set of parents to tell you other wise. Most women need long term relationships to feel completed and we are raised to feel this way also, this includes children. There are outliers for both.

  6. Hot button topic. My 2 cents, because we all view the mother as being more important to the children. I don’t think men have any less or more ability to be a nurturing parent as women. I think that we all view the mother as being the default parent because that’s the way it’s been through so much of human history. Which is likely due to mothers being the bearers and breast feeders of the children.

    I imagine there is some deeply primal feeling of guilt that a father must feel taking time with the mother away from their child.

  7. I never thought about comparing the leaving of kids due to gender. My aunt (through marriage) left her kids, my husband’s mom left her kids, and my biological dad left me for about 8 years. So I guess in my small realm of experiences the opposite is true.

    Generally, severe selfishness is not a gender thing.

  8. Typically child-rearing and domestic duties fall on the mother, even in more modern times. It makes sense that the primary caregiver maintains primary custody and family living arrangements. If it’s a genuine 50/50 split in those areas then a 50/50 solution makes sense but typically that’s not the case.

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