So I work at a deli inside a supermarket. Male and in my early twenties.

And I’ve never really thought much of myself looks-wise (at least girls have never told me they think I’m cute or anything like that) so I’ve really never had any indication towards how the opposite sex perceives me. And frankly I always just assumed the worst and therefore didn’t want to know. Never had a girlfriend. Never had sex. Never kissed a girl or anything like that.

Which was why today was so baffling to me and I don’t really know how to process it.

But I went up to serve this middle-aged married couple. And the wife has this big cheeky grin on her face and is making strong eye contract with me (so I knew something was about to happen). And as I greet them and ask if I can help them the lady immediately says, *”You’re THAT guy from the deli that all the girls up on the checkouts have a crush on, AREN’T YOU??”* and just keeps grinning at me.

My just mind internally exploded by how left-of-field her cold open was. All I could really say was excuse me?…

Lady: Oh, I think you are! Those girls just can’t seem to take their eyes off you!! Hahaha.

We chatted for a little bit (they were a friendly couple). But I’m still trying to process what they said. To go from feeling like a wallflower my entire life to suddenly being told that a bunch of girls supposedly have crushes on me. It just doesn’t really make much sense to me…

I’ve never noticed any of these girls looking at me or checking me out. So I’m admittedly curious on what this woman is basing this all off of?…

  1. It’s called teasing, don’t take everything you hear from strangers to heart and just know that some people will try to “pull your leg” to get a certain jolt/reaction out of you.

  2. as an elderly woman myself i believe it’s likely that they noticed you looking shy and lonely or something along those lines and were trying to give you a little push towards being more confident.

    i’m not really one to say something like that, but if i come across a young person working at a shop or something who looks really insecure i like to be extra-friendly to them, to make them feel a bit less anxious, in a way that shows them, that they are noticed and appreciated.

  3. But you have two independent sources giving you feedback about the cashiers so that adds a lot of validity to the story!

    I’m thinking to might want to pay a little more attention to them and try flirting a bit.

  4. Maybe they wanted to fuck you. Married boomers are weird, and when they find you attractive they are much more forward than younger women.

  5. Fully commit and ask her to bang the update us afterwards, it’s the only way to know for sure.

  6. I’m pretty sure that’s it.

    But I was just really curious how this customer of all people found this out. 👀

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