Hey everyone, my girlfriend (22f) and I (22m) have been together for about four months now. When we first started talking she talked about her sex drive and how it’s really high most of the time and this was true at first. We had sex very often in the first two or three months maybe like 6-7 times a week. However, the past month or few have been totally different. She’s almost never in the mood and my anxiety was telling me it was my fault, that i did something wrong, etc but she says it has nothing to do with me and that she does enjoy sex with me but I cant help but be worried. A lot of times when she turns me down from sex she claims its the antidepressants and birth control causes her low libido. And I do believe this fully however I’m wondering if there’s anything I can do to help her get back in the mood because I’m worried her sex drive will never come back for me.

  1. Well, she told you what the issue is, she can talk to her doctor about it and see what they can do.

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