I met this guys in my lab, reached out to him first, and we kinda hit it off last week when he asked me out, then asked me out one more time the next 2 days and i asked him out on Easter.
Obviously nowhere was open on a rainy Easter day so he said we could study in his dorm’s study lounge. We studied, got foods in his room. After that, we watched a movie, he climbed on his bed first and asked me to lay next to him.
We kissed, I initiated. He left a freaking huge hickey on my neck.
Yesterday, I kinda wanna hang, asked him at 2pm, he said yes, then he blew me off and said he fell asleep.
Today I asked him again if he wanted sum ice cream. Said Yes again.

Me planning on asking straight ahead when we meet today about how he feels so I would know I should hold on or give up. Cause im so tired.

What are yo opinions?

1 comment
  1. As long as you take action he’ll follow your lead, if you’re in control why should he change that? If you want him to initiate or ask what he wants, than you ask.

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