We have talked about what happened and we let a lot out on the table…

I let him talk first, he told me everything that was on his mind and how he felt on everything. He said that he knows I have been very distant and he really wants to change that. He apologized for how he was acting. He said his main issue is because I work but he knows I can’t change that without changing our finances around, even at that he knows it won’t be beneficial to our family. He said how he acted the other night over sex, he felt ashamed and won’t let that happen again. He said that his mom also is making him stressed out. That I know is true, she can get on someones nerves. He said, he scheduled to talk to his therapist and talk to him about maybe getting on some meds to help. He also said that he knows how is is acting is the reason why there is no sexx in the bedroom and that he acknowdges that he is the one who should change how he is treating me.

I wish I could believe him in everything that he said but he lies all the time. I didn’t interrupt him or anything.

I told him that I appreciate that he is talking about it now but I need a little more time to figure out what I want in this relationship, if going forward is the best for both of us and that we both need to figure that out. He tried to interrupt me and I clearly said, “I didn’t interrupt you so don’t do it to me”. I mentioned how everything got exculated to fast the other night and I felt defeated on a lot of things. I apologized for my way of acting as will. I told him that we both overreacted on a lot of things. If moving forward with him is good or without is good. Pros and Cons and if the Pros are higher then the cons then I am welling to work at it but if Cons are higher then Pros then seperate for awhile. I do not want to seperate but it could be good to be away from each other for maybe a short time to figure it out. I know he didn’t like the idea but it is something.

He did shut down after a bit because I wasn’t saying what he wanted to hear.

Maybe after he talks to his therapist he will be in a better way of looking at everything.

1 comment
  1. So it’s time for you to both write the pros and cons lists, independently and by yourselves.

    On a peaceful night, look at them together.

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