Like, I try to improve, but I am called ugly, creepy, pale and even though its been a few times. It still breaks me. I try to exercise more to be fit, get better hobbies for I want to be attractive. And better social. I dont know how to get more skin colour for its winter and this is my natural skin

I know they don’t know me, and I know its weak to feel anything, but it really does break my heart everytime.

  1. Been rejected a lot. I got used to it at some point, but it still stings whenever it happens. How I deal with it? With a lot of distractions. It could be picking up more work than usual, finding a new game to play, a show/anime to binge, spending more time with friends & family, etc… Basically an overload of anything interesting/fun to keep myself busy and away from depressing thoughts.

  2. Gracefully.

    I’m not for everyone, and that’s fine! I know there are things I can work on to improve and I focus on them, for myself. Don’t change yourself for some hypothetical person, or for someone who already rejected you.

  3. Rejection and name calling are two different things.

    With just rejection, it’s ok to be hurt and to feel that in the moment of. Also understand that there are people/jobs/whatever you’re looking for that will appreciate you for who you are. Just keep trying to level up your life in the meantime.

    The name calling, I’d just call them out and say that a simple “no” will suffice. No need to point out features you don’t like.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Rejection is just a fact of life mate. You shrug your shoulders and just move on. You can’t take that shit personally, everyone has dating preferences.

    You’ll meet someone you are compatible with at some point. Until then just keep taking steps forward, going to the gym and staying busy.

  5. > I am called ugly, creepy, pale

    I’ve had a small number women make fun of my appearance. They were trashy women. Most women just let me know they aren’t interested.

    Maybe you’re either trying to engage with unkind or meanspirited women, or maybe your approach is wrong and you come across as a creep.

  6. Rejection is a blessing. You move on faster towards the right one. The first law of seduction (R Greene) is that u cant seduce somebody who’s not interested.

  7. You don’t need hobbies and skills to impress people. You should do what your really like and love to do.

    As for being rejected, not everybody will like you but someone definetly will, so take the L and move on.

    While you do the things you like, you definitely notice someone and they will notice you back.

  8. Honestly, if you’re actively improving yourself and getting rejected (even after getting to the point that you’re seeing results), take a good hard look at yourself and keep it objective. Is there honestly anything that others would find repulsive or offensive? If not, maybe the issue isn’t your looks, but more your actions, your personality, or your taste in women. I’m more prone to believe in the latter of those three. If you’re going after women that are resorting to outright hostility and insults to turn you down, you need to re-evaluate what it is you want in a woman.

  9. Umm booze and weed? And the lovely bit of disorder I’ve got. Turns out alil bit of ADHD combined with hyperfixation disorder allows you to forget almost anything within the span of a few minutes provided you don’t dwell on it too much.

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