What would you do if your girlfriend/spouse tells you she would like you to stop swearing when she is around?

  1. i’d try to. i don’t want to make the old gal unhappy. if it bothers her that much, i can make a concession. can’t promise i’d succeed all the time, but can make a conscious effort.

    i mean, i don’t swear around my grandmother either. i’m capable of self-governance.

  2. I would say okay and do it because other people’s feelings is more important than me cursing.

  3. Desperately try to not say, “I will definitely work on that. Cross my fucking heart.”

  4. Ok fair enough I can dial it back but only if she ramps her swearing up. For balance

  5. Since Im rarely swearing and something has to go REALLY wrong for me to do it at all I would tell her that me never swearing is unlikely.

  6. I would tell her that i would like her to swear more when i am around. You know, since we are telling others what to do and all that.

  7. I think I could accommodate her request. It’s not that hard to do or not do. What’s the reason, is she offended, is it cultural, etc.?

  8. If that’s the only issue she has, I’ll try. If it’s part of a long list of “fixes” I’m out.

  9. Ask her what the fuck is up.

    She swears as much as I do. After 25 years to suddenly change course would be concerning. Like medically.

  10. I try to be good when we’re together. OTOH, if she’s the one driving, look out f-bombs – here she comes!!!

  11. If I was British, I could say c**t.

    I suppose the American equivalent is a**hole. Just not the same

  12. But she knew I swore before we were together…why even be with me if there’s something you strongly dislike about me?

  13. If she said this, she either has a kid or you swear so much she has to tell you. Swear a lot less brother

  14. I can work on that as long as she can work on not being around me when I play call of duty

  15. I’d laugh because, even if it’s not that funny, she *tried* to make a joke and I support that.

  16. I mean I used to swear a lot more. My ex right pointed out I shouldn’t teach my kids bad habits, and I’ve cut way back.

  17. Going to be shit out of luck. I’m a mechanic surrounded with other mechanics and while I do my best to Not swear they’re just there.

    Edit: my wife does not swear and reminds me when I start doing it too much and my youngest reminds me as well, he’s six. I just remind my kids that they should have a better vocabulary/be smarter than me and find better/different words to use than I do.

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