Married introverts, how did you meet you spouse?

  1. She was posing as an extrovert. If I had to meet her now? Volunteering at libraries and animal shelters.

  2. Met her in college. Messaged her on Facebook years later.. Had mutual friends that were having a hangout, and we both went. Followed up on facebook.

  3. I met my wife in school, we debated some topics and I was attracted to her intellect as well as her appearance.

    Introverts are not antisocial. Being shy is not a defining characteristic of introversion. Extraverts can be shy as well.

  4. We grew up across the street from each other. Known each other since we were age 5. That’s how we met. How we got together as a couple is a completely different story.

  5. Introvert ≠ Shy and socially inept.

    Introvert = You lose energy from social interactions, even if you like them.

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