So lately I’ve been thinking to break up with my boyfriend.
I do love him but i think he just can’t settle 100% for one person only. He needs so much attention from other people thru texting them it feels like he is still a teen. Yesterday I saw that he downloaded that HelloTalk app where you learn languages. I looked thru it and he texted with 7 different women on that app. I confronted him about it and he claimed it is only about languages because he is learning Greek in his University. Why is he texting with one or two of them in ENGLISH ASKING HOW SHE IS AND STUFF?
That day we had a big fight. He got down on his knees and begged for me to stay.
We had a bad past, means at the very beginning of our relationship he texted a bunch of girls and wasn’t deleting tinder from the start and even was meeting up with someone over tinder in the beginning. I forgave him for that because I thought it wasn’t that serious between us sooo yeah.

I feel like when I’m not around he’s gonna do shit.. And I always have to think about him texting other girls when he’s on his phone. He actually had a time where there really was only the two of us but it didn’t last long lol

Guys help me pleasešŸ˜­ What should I do??? I love him with my whole heart. What should I tell him? Should I break up? I’m so exhausted from all these thoughts. I can’t go on like that anymore.

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