So there’s this girl from school I really like, we share most subjects. We’re both 15 years old. We are part of the same friend group, at first i had trouble talking to her, but now it is easier. And whenever we talk, it just hits differentt. She always smiles and holds eye contact whenever I’m talking to her. She always laughs at my jokes most of them being the bad ones. She is shy around me, but not around other people, some of them she openly dislikes. One time I made a joke during gym class about me being bad at something and she instantly said that I wasn’t bad at it. Another time during gym class we played dodgeball, and she was on the opposing team, she played really fanatically and always threw the ball greatly to my team, but she didn’t even once throw the ball anywhere near me, even though I was more in the playing field than my other teammates. Another time she remembered something fully detailed that happened to me that I didn’t even remember. She instantly replied to texts I’ve sent her. If I send a message in a group chat, she is always the first to have read it. When I sent her a request on Instagram a while ago, she accepted it and followed me back within 3 seconds of sending the request. I also often catch her looking at me, but when she notices that I notice, she instantly looks away.

But I think this is the biggest indicator: A few months ago there was like a presentation evening at school, and between the 2nd and 3rd presentations there was a short break. During this break I walked outside with a friend, and saw her staying inside with a friend of hers. When I got inside with my friend, I noticed her friend wasn’t there anymore, she has gone home. I was close to the exit talking with my friend, for like a few minutes, looked around the hallway once and saw her deeply staring into me, like really deep, with the biggest smile on her face, I’ll never forget that face. At first I thought nothing of it, but later I questioned why she was looking at me, and I couldn’t really find any reason other than you know what.

I still see her staring at me sometimes, or yesterday we had a school trip and in the bus she was sitting 3 rows in front of me to the left, and I with my friend was talking to two girls behind me guessing each other’s birthdays for some reason, he started it, and when they guessed mine, I looked outside the bus and while turning my head I noticed her looking straight at me, but maybe it was just a coincidence.

I think she may be interested in me, and I just wanna get over holding back the way I feel about her, I really wanna tell her I like her? Should I?

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