I (33f) have a ridiculous issue with my husband (36m). He burps COSNTANTLY. He gets pretty bad heart burn, takes over the counter remedies for it but in the past couple of years he has started to burp constantly. Im talking every 30 seconds or so, even long after he has eaten. He is a bit over weight (but working on it) and drinks a bit much. I know these are all contributing factors.

The issue is, he absolutely refuses to see a dr about it. He promised me he would after I had a proper sit down with him months ago, but he never went. Any time I bring it up now (which is once in a blue moon) he just gets angry. He goes and sits in another room now so I can’t hear him.

I’m worried about him, I’m all too aware that consistent acid reflux can lead to esophageal cancer. It’s also disgusting, he wouldn’t like it if I sat and farted every 30 seconds. It’s really turning me off. I’m mostly just concerned and frustrated though.

How can I get through to him? No matter how annoyed I get or how nicely I try to tell him I’m just worried, he just gets annoyed at me.
I think deep down he is maybe worried about his health too and thsts why he’s so defensive.

Would it be utterly ridiculous to suggest breaking up over this? I can’t sit and listen to this anymore.

  1. I think you need to give him an ultimatum. Either he goes to the doctor and does something about this now or youll pack your bags and go somewhere else for a while. Explain that youve had enough and he has no reason to get angry at you for caring about his HEALTH. Tell him not only is he being encridibly disrespectful by not listening to you or caring about manners but also hurting you by lashing out over you trying to take care of him.

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