My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 months. He use to be so sweet and charming. He would take me places and be lovey with me. Lately he’s not putting as much effort in. When he gets upset with me (disagreeing about job opportunities or the lack of effort), he seems to ignore me a little. I could just be reading too much into things. There was a time when he was really annoyed with me but when I asked about it be kept assuring me that he was just busy studying and such. Later on he finally told me why he was annoyed but kept saying he wasn’t ignoring me because of that. I don’t really believe him. He had a bad habit of going hot and cold which I have talked to him about. He just tells me it’s normal and it’s okay I feel some type of way about it because that’s normal in a relationship.

My boyfriend was super excited to introduce me to his friends. I’ve only meet them twice at this point( the same group of people both times). He’s meet all my friends already, not that I have very many, multiple times. Last week, friends I haven’t met invited us both out. I was interested in going but he was not. He was very obviously annoyed that I wanted to go. When that day arrived I just told him we didn’t have to go, we had a night in instead. The very next weekend he pushed back our plans to go drink with that same group. They went out in the town I live in(we both live about an hour apart). Although he did tell me they invited him, I was slightly disappointed of how things turned out. He then called me at 2am to come over. I feel so taken aback by that whole experience. Am I crazy to feel a little disrespected? I don’t know what to do, we have talked about the hot and cold but that is still happening. And with this weeks event, I feel upset and I’m not sure what to do. I just wish he would treat me like how he use to.

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