A few years ago i was dealt with a pretty massive blow to my self esteem and self worth as a person. I was rejected and made fun of by a group of men for reasons i dont want to get into. How would one move on from that and hopefully find connections and dates again?

  1. Put it in proper perspective.

    You got made fun of because those men are shitty, bad people. Shitty people behaving shitty is not a reflection on you in any way.

  2. Well what do these men mean to you? Clearly they’ve taken something from you in order to have this shame you feel now. You mention you feel lowly about yourself but what exactly do you mean and what does that mean?

  3. Shame is defined a sense feeling not worthy of love and belong. The funny thing about shame is— everyone has it! Consider rationalizing this lemon of a situation, squeeze the learn you can put it, and chuck away that lemon 🥰 You are not alone.

    Antidote to shame?
    “I am not perfect, but i am worthy of love and belong.” — [Wholeheartedness](https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability?language=en).

    The way i would think about that situation:
    i did something vulnerable and people made fun of me.
    i let myself feel shame because of their response.
    what am i doing that i give them that power over me?
    what do i love myself for doing in this situation? what am i not willing to compromise?

    And if that flow these peoples boat, they clearly don’t deserve me.

    I don’t know the situation and i may be generalization, so take this with a grain of salt. Take back your power!

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