What male stereotype do you think has the worst impact on men and how would you change it if you could?

  1. Go Jim…..it makes the guy’s entire personality grows about gym only and gives no chance to personality improvement

  2. >What male stereotype do you think has the worst impact on men

    The one about doing butt stuff making you gay.

    >how would you change it if you could?

    I, a straight man, offer myself to do butt stuff to all my fellow straight men to show them that there’s nothing wrong with it and that they are not gay since we are both straight men exploring our straight butts, nothing gay about it.

  3. “Boys don’t cry” or any of that “toughen up” “man up” manipulative bull shit. Men need support too.

  4. I remember listening to the Fresh n fit “podcast” and they were ranting that women and men can’t be friends.

    That whole idea or stereotype that men and women are just C O M P L E T E L Y different is so stupid. “We can’t exist in the same platonic space!!!”… ugh. No. Women and Men can easily be friends. Some people are just too misogynistic, too misandristic, or just fucking stupid.

  5. – Assuming we know/can do everything

    As much as I like being depended on, please don’t assume that I innately know how to fix a car/build a house/repair electronic devices/do plumbing/renovation/whatever when I’ve never done it before just because said activity is a “guy thing” and then belittling me for not knowing.

    Bonus for asking me to lift/move heavy stuff and getting impatient when it takes a while because I don’t do that for a living.

  6. Men who wear pink are gay.

    Screw that. That’s like saying women who wear blue are lesbians. Wear whatever colours you want.

  7. That guys are all dumb, lazy, worthless, perverts, all the good looking ones are jerks, etc.

    I mean they put out commercials where Einstein cannot figure out his cell phone without the strong single woman helping him out lmao.

    Change it? Portray men in a positive light. Simple.

  8. Anything along the “boys will be boys” line. It’s shitty men clinging to sexism to excuse their behavior, and it’s self perpetuating because if someone never faces consequences for bad behavior, why would they improve?

    In reality if we were really as out of control as suggested, we shouldn’t be allowed in public unsupervised.

  9. Manly men don’t complain. I think the only way to get around it is to complain more about everything and tell anyone who complains about it to get stuffed.

    The persistent dismissal of any problem a man may face is maddening to me. But if you complain you’re a subpar male unless you can exactly identify what the problem is and how to fix it, and talk about it in a fashion which can’t possibly cast anyone else in a potentially negative light.

    The sort of…expectation of hyper agency put on men; that nothing bad happens to us unless it’s our own fault in some way, is so subtly pervasive.

  10. Definitely the alpha manosphere thing. The stereotype that “men should act a certain way different to women” is just not only detrimental to mental health, but I think men could have an identity crisis.
    You don’t need to be top g, we’re not in a Jungle anymore
    You’re not unattractive or beta if you don’t constantly bang chicks, some girls are into you some aren’t… deal with it.
    Women aren’t bad because they don’t fuck you or are into things you don’t like
    It’s ok to have kinks other than vanilla sex
    It’s ok to be feminine and secure about your sexuality

  11. Definitely the alpha manosphere thing. The stereotype that “men should act a certain way different to women” is just not only detrimental to mental health, but I think men could have an identity crisis.
    You don’t need to be top g, we’re not in a Jungle anymore
    You’re not unattractive or beta if you don’t constantly bang chicks, some girls are into you some aren’t… deal with it.
    Women aren’t bad because they don’t fuck you or are into things you don’t like
    It’s ok to have kinks other than vanilla sex
    It’s ok to be feminine and secure about your sexuality

  12. That we’re some kind of pervert if we smile at children or otherwise express that we like kids.

    Children bring me a lot of joy, and I find myself smiling or laughing at the silly, funny things kids do (or amusedly rolling my eyes at the things teenagers do, especially when I tried the same schemes when I was a kid, and failed at them). I don’t have kids of my own, but I enjoy being the favorite uncle to 3 nephews and 2 nieces, and now great-uncle to my oldest nephew’s two daughters.

    No one has ever said anything, but sometimes I feel like people are looking at me with suspicion when I laugh or smile at things kids do that are funny to me. I seriously think society has gotten to the point where men are becoming afraid to like kids.

  13. Yesterday I was talking to a friend, for some reason we started talking about feminism and he said that all the movement is creating weak masculinity, and that now men are so fragile and a lot of things I don’t remember so well.

    I disagree a lot. And I can only see that the fact that male people are less afraid of talking about their own feelings is really positive! No one should be afraid to feel! And I sometimes can get too emotional, which makes me even more convinced that everyone should be able to express their emotions without anyone judging.

  14. There is a certain point where being friends with women stops making you an “alpha male bro” and becomes a sign that you are gay, paradoxically.

    Men and women can’t be friends without sexual interest, so if you are friends with more than [undefined] amount of women, they actually like you because you are gay and not interested. Like, try to put your enormous penis in as many females as possible, but if you fail and form a platonic relationship, stop lying and come out of the broom closet already you raging gay boy.

    I think there might be several stereotypes at play here actually and none of them are particularly helpful.

  15. Idk if it’s a stereotype but I can’t walk down the street without women crossing the street to escape me. I also on more then one occasion overheard moms at a park tell their kids to not go near me.

    It’s just assumed we’re a bunch of pedophile rapists.

  16. How taller men are automatically perceived as more intelligent and trustworthy, competent leaders, stronger, better suiters, etc.

  17. – Thinking that men are perverts who can’t be trusted around children.

    – Thinking that any case of domestic violence can only be a man abusing a woman.

  18. Like whatever you have between your legs. Looking down on people or thinking that you are above someone is never a gppd perk.

  19. This isn’t exactly a stereotype, but I think it’s a kind of consequence to many stereotypes. I have heard some women (And by this I don’t mean all of them) use insults like _coward_, or complaining that men are too emotional, and the insult of “small d” is not fun.

    First of all. Calling a boy coward is not even an insult anymore, it literally can destroy a man’s life. They are supposed to be _strong_, _brave_, to _protect_. And calling someone coward can make he think that he’s none of those things. Some people look for approval so hard. If a boy gets threatened to a fight by a guy a feet taller than him, or way more stronger, he will refuse. Ohhh, but if he has been called coward, they will accept to demonstrate they are not. And that is what leads into stupidities like this!

    “Man are so emotional”. And what’s the problem? Of course starting to cry because something daily happened to you is bad, but if you lost your job, you are mentally ill, maybe a girlfriend has left you or a problem you haven’t been able to solve, you are in your total right to cry. Honestly I feel that those people who believe “x can’t cry” is officially a weirdo and doesn’t take in consideration that x is a HUMAN.

    And lastly, men are supposed to be good in bed. That stereotype only makes people insecure about themselves. I have heard that some people, if they go to a party or somewhere they might hook up, not only they bring a condom, also Viagra. Which is just stupid because sex is not only related to size.

    Maybe I have been a bit toxic while writing this, I am not used to be like this, but I can’t help it. It just makes me so mad the idea that just _stereotypes_ even exists.

  20. “Boys don’t cry” or that kind of stuff. Just assuming we are all strong, brave, can never show weakness all the time. Even if it was not something i learned at home, i quickly learned that everywhere else and i guess i’m lucky i had an “easy” life. I can’t imagine having to deal with serious stuff like mental health issues under that stereotype.

    Until recently and because of my girlfriend it is that i’m learning that it’s okay to be vulnerable and ask for help if i need it. Boys can be cared for too.

  21. Men are shitty parents and can’t be left alone with their kids.

    I’m currently on paternity leave with my 4 year old, 2 year old and my 5 month old. My MIL was calling non stop and would visit after work everyday thinking that I was struggling. I think she got the hint when I stopped answering her calls and the door

  22. There is quite a few stereotypes that I would do away with, but I think one of the worst ones is the idea that “men are simple creatures”. Besides from the derogatory language of it, it’s also the basis for a lot of other stereotypes about men, like that we are dumb, are emotionless or are too dumb to express emotions, that we only care about sex and so on and so on.

    The way to change it is to make people understand that while men and women are indeed different, we are still the same species with the same basic framework.

  23. The people on AskMen are competent members of society so you should follow the groupthink here. Success on Reddit is often the opposite of success IRL.

  24. That men don’t have emotions, and even if you spit on us we wouldn’t think anything of it. I wish women didn’t think only about themselves and think about us, men, that we have feelings too and we also feel hurt.

  25. The notion of us needed to be stoics (except when we are angered by something.)

    Were allowed to have emotions and no wonder so many men are seen as just violent fools.

  26. That men need to work and make the money to be valuable. As someone with issues and heritability shortcomings this makes me feel bad about myself

  27. That we’re violent, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and people ignore other dangers.

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