I met this really nice girl at school through text, andwe had so many of the same interests, and we even shared the same passion to grow our art career online. I’ll admit, I kind of even liked her, until she was lesbian and had a partner. I respected her boundaries and moved on. I mean I was still really glad to be friends with her since I admire her art skills and I only have 1 other friend with the same interests.

One day I texted the girl asking if she’s read the latest chapter of the manga we both love. The text got left on delivered and she only responded after a week. I then kept seeing her more often walking along the halls at school and I’d try to say hi but she’d look down and quickly walk past me. Even if I don’t say hi to her she looks down and quickly walks past me.

Before she used to respond minutes after I texted, after that week of ghosting me online she takes 1-3 days to respond whenever I text her. We mainly text on Facebook and she is really active there at the same time she ignores me. and she still ignores me at school in the few times we encounter each other.

I recently texted her last Monday, almost a week ago. I tried saying hi to her again at school and she finally waved back, but she still hasn’t responded to my text to this day.

What does this mean? It’s like she is ignoring me but isn’t at the same time.

I have severe social anxiety so the thought of asking her about it scares the crap out of me. She said we were friends, was that a lie? She said she wanted to meet me in person more at school since we mainly talk online and never really had a conversation in person, was that a lie too?

1 comment
  1. It sounds like for some reason her feelings have changed. You can either accept it and move on by leaving her alone. Or, you can get up the courage to ask her.

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