M27 (never had a gf) so this situation has been bothering me for months and started in 2021. Met this girl through Hinge and we had a date which didn’t work out (she said she saw me more as a friend). However, we remained friends and met up 5 times after for dinner, and also texted quite a bit. If I’m honest she’s still the most attractive person I’ve seen to date and I really miss those times we had together and late night texts.

We had an argument last year which caused us to not really talk – we’ve apologised to each other, but she doesn’t really want to engage more than that. I have tried a few times to get us back to the place we were in and she’ll reply after some time to be polite, but no further effort besides that.

We follow each other on IG and she still views my stories and likes my posts, but hasn’t responded for three week’s to my most latest messages. I’ve muted her stories but still check, and when new posts pop up, it hurts everytime and I’m struggling to get over it. I basically reminisce and dwell on the situation. Not sure how to get over this, as time really has not helped that much.

TLDR: fancied a girl and still do, but she no longer wants to talk like we used to, and I miss those moments and I’m still hurting from it.

  1. I understand it’s hard if you really like this girl but even if you resume contact you said she only sees you as a friend so this situation is only going to cause you more pain in the long run. It might be best to let this person go & forget about them.

  2. Dude, I feel for you. I had the same thing happen to me recently, but from what I’ve read in your post. It sounds like you should move on and try to find another person, because as much as you like her she doesn’t reciprocate those feelings and never did. You have to let her go otherwise this grief you’re feeling is going to eat you alive.

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