I’m talking about on the level of “would regularly go for a beer with”, rather than “work or hobby friends” you don’t see outside of that environment, or “help me bury a body” super-close buddies.

(And as a bonus, what’s the gender split?)

  1. 4 but 3 of them have moved to other states. The one near me I don’t see too often. So I’m basically friendless. All male because I’m not an idiot to think men can be friends with women

  2. 3 very close male friends, 2 very close female friends, though both of those now live too far away for regular meetings.

  3. i have a ton of acquaintances, but i guess that doesn’t really count here.

    i have 4 really close guy friends i met at various seminars/conferences, we all get together 2 saturdays a month, other times we hang out individually, sometimes we all take a trip together.

    one of them, jack, is my bff. probably the best friend i’ve ever had. we went through grad school in the same cohort, what…like 20 years ago.

    he’s someone i can rely on no matter what. the kind of friend you’d trust your wife or kid’s safety with, if you had to.


    i have a bunch of women colleagues i’m friends with, but we don’t hang out individually so much. we mostly do small talk and chat about boring work-related things (not boring to us, lol). we’ll meet up for brunch once in a great while, but that’s typically also with my wife and their husband.

    i’m tight with my mentor, julie. i met her almost 20 years ago, when i was just an itty-bitty little therapist intern.

    i’m friends with my three women neighbors (one is also a therapist) and their young adult kids, we frequently all have dinner at someone’s house together.


    my brother lives in texas, so i don’t see him much, but he’s a friend. i’m also tight with my brother-in-law.

    i’m not technically friends with my therapist because obvi, we don’t hang out away from session, but he’s fucking awesome. he’s 83, he has so many amazing stories, and he’s easily one of the kindest, warmest people i’ve ever known. i kinda wish he was my father.

  4. I have 0 friends like that. I have no one that I regularly text, 0 friends that I regularly see. The only people I see regularly are my kids, wife, and co-workers. And bandmates, when I’m gigging.

  5. 2 that’s local enough to ‘regularly’ go out with – one being my brother. Another 4 that have moved further away.

  6. One guy and many women.

    Guy’s a dude I’ve been gaming buddies with since high school and the women are all exes, hookups, those I went on dates with but didn’t pan out romantically, some of them are randoms I met through omegle or getting into a conversation out in town.

  7. Zero. All dead..

    When I retired, I made a list of the 25 most influential people in my life. Researched all of them, wanted to e-mail them and say hi.

    All dead..

  8. 4, 5… Those numbers. 1 woman, the other are men. I found it difficult to maintain a GOOD friendship with girls for a long time, while I’ve been friends with 1 of the male close friends for like 14 years

    As far as I remember, there’s a rule about maintaining around 5 close relationships in life

  9. I’ve got 8. 6 male, 2 female.

    And 12 if we include the friends from college I only get to see a few times a year (4 women, which would make it an even split).

  10. I don’t drink, but I have 7 people (not counting family) who I hang out with at least every other week. The gender split is 6 men and 1 woman.

  11. 7. All of whom, sadly, live 90 miles away. I moved away for work. But seeing a few of them in 2 weeks. Yooo

  12. Real life had 2 good ones last year.. now about 0. Have a internet buddy across the world and thats all this year

  13. I keep my circle small, for many reasons. First is, I am the kinda guy that doesnt need people, people need me. I’m the guy everyone calls to fix your car, fix your house, build something, diagnose something mechanical, etc. For me to put someone in my circle they have to be able to reciprocate somehow. I have learned when I let people too close to me, I tend to get used for my skills, knowledge or abilities with nothing in return. My circle is also all men, being friends with woman causes to much drama for me, they are emotional, and inconsistent. Yes I have friends that are females bu I would not put them in the close friend category.

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