I want to speak to people I don’t know how to find people to talk to. I don’t know how to start a conversation or even how to find people to talk to irl or online.

  1. How old are you if you don’t mind?
    Im in college and i have similar struggle to you, my roommates tell me that i should join clubs to find people but i missed few week of semester so i missed my chance
    How about you? Where are you in life?

  2. i personally just have a few internet friends which i got from shit posting on tiktok then adding them to my close friends on instagram

  3. Most people make their friends at work later in life. Nothing wrong with striking up a conversation with a random person anywhere though. Most people are actually pretty accepting as long as you’re not actively saying off putting things.

    Also, asking to add someone on Instagram or Snapchat seems less forward than asking for their number. Try that.

  4. A large part of talking to a anyone including a group of people is active listening. Check out a book called I hear you.

  5. If you’re an adult, go to a Toastmasters club.

    If you’re not an adult yet, find some social clubs that relate to your hobbies and interests.

    Then visit those regularly, and make sure to start one conversation. “Hi I’m XYZ, what do you like about this hobby?” could be one way.

  6. Go to events or volunteer in places that require you to interact with people. An activity shared is a good icebreaker.

  7. Try out bumble friends. When I first moved to a new city I signed up to see what it was about and I’ve met a couple really good mates. One who I play badminton with everyweek!

  8. Go to places where two or more humans feel safe and relaxed, that enables or “forces” social interaction, for example a dance class.

  9. Bumble friends or meetup. Lol there’s a meetup group for introverts…n no events has been set up lol.

  10. With Reddit.. just find a few topics you like and add them to your favorite sites. And watch in those comments. And see what happens. 🤔

  11. If you are specifically looking to have conversations to be able to make friends then [This link might help you.](https://anadvi.com/?p=65)

    But those situations described in that blog post will only help you if you actually put in the effort to have conversations with those people that you chose to surround yourself with.

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