How do you make guy friends in your 30’s?

  1. At 30s you can make one at your place of work or at social club like gym or any other sports centred space.

  2. Find a hobby. Go regularly.

    You make friends by seeing the same people at the same place over and over.

    As a kid that was usually school.

    As an adult, it’s work, kid things, church or hobbies.

  3. Hmm. This post has served as a timely reminder that, in my mid-thirties, I have made no friends in my thirties. It’s been a goal, but hasn’t happened.

  4. An active hobby like golf, hiking, fishing, cycling, etc. If that’s not your jam, become a regular at a local bar and you’ll meet other regulars soon enough.

  5. An active hobby like golf, hiking, fishing, cycling, etc. If that’s not your jam, become a regular at a local bar and you’ll meet other regulars soon enough.

  6. Depends on the purpose.

    1. Need a guarantor or partner (in a legal partnership)?
    2. Networking?
    3. Or just for some hobby?

  7. You have to be active about it. Go somewhere where you can meet people. Once you meet someone you *think* might be friend material, invite them to stuff. Make plans. Make more plans. The only way you make a friend is is by spending time together and that doesn’t happen automatically anymore over 30 like it does in school or university. It might be be awkward to ask someone you’ve just met to do stuff, but you have to look at it like it’s a date.

  8. You have to be active about it. Go somewhere where you can meet people. Once you meet someone you *think* might be friend material, invite them to stuff. Make plans. Make more plans. The only way you make a friend is is by spending time together and that doesn’t happen automatically anymore over 30 like it does in school or university. It might be be awkward to ask someone you’ve just met to do stuff, but you have to look at it like it’s a date.

  9. You randomly meet a like-minded person whilst doing what you enjoy and simply decide they are cool to hang around. Before you know it you’re friends.

  10. Don’t know. The only real friends I have ever had already died. Haven’t made any real effort to make any new ones since their passing

  11. Since my 30s I’d say most have been from my general friend group. Like female friends getting boyfriends and them joining the group.

  12. CrossFit changed my life. It introduced me to some of the most humble and genuinely good men and women I currently know.

    Alot of people go to CrossFit to get in good physical shape. But, what I’ve learned is most of us go to improve our mental health, with the physical gains being a bonus. You quickly learn that everyone is dealing with something internally no matter how happy someone looks on the outside.

    Just being in an environment with like minded people and getting after a rigorous workout is amazing.

  13. The best way is by joining some sort of sport or club. For example, jiu jitsu or kick-boxing. It’s so easy to make friends that way

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