Hey ya’ll. Anyone/ couple have experience using a penis extending sleeve, like it stays on during sex to elongate the penis? My husband is right around average size, but a little smaller I belive. I want to feel a little more pleasure while we are intimate. We are both plus size, I’m a little bigger than he is, I figure this extra info might be conducive. Thanks ya’ll

Edit: I’m getting lots of down votes on this. I think I get it. I honestly didn’t mean any harm to my husband or an other person. I’ll just leave it all off the table, seems to be best. Thanks all for not directly attacking me.

  1. We’ve used one one time. The wife was on her period and wanted something more than a condom. The one we used had a built in vibrator. So I’m sure I’ll get downvoted because of it but my dick is pretty big and the sleeve we got wasn’t big enough to envelope my entire shaft but it still worked and stayed on. I actually liked it cause it desensitized me and helped not cum as fast. Hope this helps

  2. Have you brought this up to your husband? It could be a very touchy subject. Maybe try positively introducing a dildo or something and not make the issue about his penis specifically.

    If he’s totally comfortable with it… they have some open ones that allow him to still feel pleasure. There are a lot of different ones, some help with ED, etc. so just do some research and make sure he’s involved so you don’t just surprise him with it. Best of luck!

  3. Please read the posts on r/Cock_Sleeve and r/PenisSleeve. Stick with high-quality custom silicone sleeves for the best experience.

  4. I’ve had a couple of them over the years and it’s all about what material you enjoy inside you. Make sure you’ve got plenty of lubricant and get something with an attachable cockring so you can really get into the groove.

  5. Has he mentioned a willingness to wear one? I wouldn’t ask him to wear one if he hasn’t brought it up himself.

  6. My wife and I love them. I’d say “size” is the least important reason I use them. If chosen correctly, a sleeve numbs the sensation slightly, right to the point when I can fully control when to finish. But in comparison to a condom that just numbs, a sleeve creates a vacuum inside when stretched during friction, which adds that feeling of a constant blowjob. So it’s not worse, it’s just different. Plus, they are the only way to modify my apperance. The sky is the limit: additional length, girth, or have a BBC, a beast cock. Any shape and size are possible nowadays, any kink and fantasy. Similarly, like role-playing modifies the sex atmosphere, sleeves alter the sensation for both. Role-playing and sleeves together are just such a great combo.

  7. Could definitely negatively impact the relationship if you bring it up. Also, sleeves don’t allow the man to feel any pleasure, so while you’re able to feel more, he’ll feel nothing.

  8. Surprised this thread hasn’t had the same reaction most threads regarding this topic have. You should almost certainly not bring this up with your husband unless you’re absolutely sure he would be into something like this. Not only do sleeves greatly decrease pleasure for the man, but the elephant in the room is you essentially telling your husband his penis isn’t enough to satisfy you. Really think about the implications of this before you introduce the idea to him.

  9. One of my partners and I used one! It didn’t length him by much but it did add ridges and like a half inch to his length and maybe a quarter or so inch to girth. It was a lot of fun. We only tried it bc I got it as a free gift while buying toys. He couldn’t feel much but did say it had a strong suction to it.

  10. How do you plan on asking your husband to try this? I know if a woman asked me to wear one, our relationship would be over. But everyone is different.

  11. Best sex toys I’ve ever purchased. My partner and I use them every so often for variety. Just be thoughtful about broaching the subject so as not to bruise his ego.

  12. maybe it makes sense to start with a fantasy style sleeve. a realistic sleeve could be seen as a competitor due to the direct comparison. a fantasy style not. like: “let’s try some other shapes than realistic”.

  13. Ignore the down votes. Some people think that fun should be restrained or controlled.

    We use them. We dabbled with the cheap ones but ended up chucking all of them once we bought a few high quality ones. Its worth spending the $ both for the quality of the product and because the high quality ones will be safe to use long term without the UTIs that will come from long term use of cheap toys.

    The main benefits are the wearer will be able to last longer/forever, you get a bit of support if ED is a problem or becomes a problem in a very long session, you get access to more exotic positions that might be impossible for regular sized people with regular sized equipment, you are still having sex so you get all of the intensity and intimacy and of course the main reason people go looking, your lover can be any size you want and can even change sizes multiple times in a session.

    Men and women can have hangups about toys and they seem worse when it comes to sleeves. Its all in our heads. 2 people having as much fun together as possible is all that matters. My wife and I play all the time but only use sleeves 2 or 3 times a month. Its just another tool in the toolbox designed to extract as much pleasure as possible from my wife, which is what satisfies me the most. The attitude of “I could make my wife feel better, but I choose not to” isn’t sex positive. Its pretty negative actually.

  14. First I would say talk to husband about it and if he’s cool with it go for it. Me and my hubby are also plus sized. His fat pad has taken away an inch or so. We use sleeves and he loves them. He likes to watch it slide in and out and likes the pleasure he gives me with it. He also struggles with PE and the sleeves help with that. He’s able to last as long as I need him to and then when he’s ready he just pulls it off and finishes where he pleases. A lot of times he’s so excited he can stay hard and go twice. And yes I still feel him even after the larger sleeve has been in there. I invite you to come to the cock_sleeve community and get friendly advice on this from there. Sorry I don’t know how to properly tag the community in my comment

  15. People don’t know what they don’t know.

    I get both sides of it. I think the distinction is that I know that I am not inadequate to please my partner sexually. But if I am being completely honest I can take her to a 6.5- 7/10 with no enhancements. But with a good sleeve I can take her to 11. Knowing this why would I not do this? And if the cost of it is a reduction in my pleasure,who cares? I mean let’s be honest, most guys could cum jerking off in a slice of bologna. It is not like my pleasure or getting off is any sort of issue. Making a guy cum is easy. Making a woman cum is a challenge. Making her cum so hard she almost kicks you through the closet door, screaming in ecstasy, and cried after… I have never done that by myself without any sort of enhancements. But with a good sleeve, that can be a Tuesday night.

    It is not an everytime kind of thing. I think people get hung up on ego thinking they will never be good enough after using one or some such nonsense. Like they are okay with a 10-in dildo, but a sleeve is unthinkable, even though it’s basically a wearable dildo.

    Now all that being said if my wife came at me telling me I wasn’t good enough to please her and I needed to use the sleeve or else, she might be hitting the bricks.

    Sex is about having fun. I can’t tell you what that “should” look like for you and your partner. But if he is into that and you’re into it get after it and have fun.

  16. My husband and I absolutely love using penis sleeves and have been for going on 4 years now.

  17. Men, stop thinking of a penis sleeve as a competitor. It’s just another tool in your toolbox. Why wouldn’t you want the most options you can have?

  18. We love sleeves. I can cum inside of them most of the time. The excitement and pleasure my wife gets is amazing.

  19. I am not quite sure why you are being attacked and down voted. You are not attacking or condemning your husband. Just stating facts and desires. And, unfortunately, being plus sized by either partner does “shorten” the insertable length of the penis, no matter how long it is.

    All that said, we love our sleeves.

    They come in all shapes and sizes. And, they come in varying “densities” based on if the wearer is facing ED issues or not.

    The sleeves we have both add length and girth. They also have a “strap” that goes around the testicles to give better grip and control.

    We don’t use them all the time, but they are fun when the wife is in the mood for something a bit bigger.

    I still feel plenty of pleasure because it still stimulates me. Kind of like if I was using a fleshlight of something. It actually allows me to last a little longer than normal (which also happens when I wear a condom). And, speaking of condoms, some (not all, so triple check) sleeves are rated to be a “barrier.”

    All in all, they are fun, do the job, and as far as I am concerned do not effect the pleasure I receive as the wearer.

    My wife also likes larger dildos. So, this was just the natural progression of things. As, being able to basically wear a large dildo, made the act of using toys even more intimate to us.


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