I am way to nice and try to avoid many arguments in this relationship. Mainly because if i do confront them all they will do is deny deny deny. This has happened before when i accused them of cheating! It went no where all they did was deny and me getting tired of arguing gave them the benefit of the doubt.
Anyways they recently suspected that i gave them and STD/i which could not be true because before we even started this relationship i had a fuck buddy that would let me do it raw and they are perfectly healthy and clean still. I am now concerned that i had contacted and std/i from them and they are trying to use me as a scapegoat for this std that they already had or got FROM CHEATIN on me.

  1. I think that if they’re accusing you of giving them an STI and you’ve previously thought they might be cheating, it sounds like they were/are cheating on you. Personally, given their behaviour, it might be a good idea to put a pause on the relationship (at least the physical aspect) to assess if the relationship is good for you and get a set of STI tests for your own health.

    Edited to add: many STI’s don’t have much by way of symptoms early on. It’s best to get regularly tested. If monogamous, test between partners and six months into the relationship. If having sex with multiple people (with whom you don’t know if they’re having sex with others) it’s best to get tested every three months or so

  2. Are you dead sure you don’t have anything? Even if your previous partner you rawdogged with has no symptoms he could still have something. It is best not to just take peoples word for it that they’re clean. You have to be proactive about your health and get tested.

    Maybe your partner *is* scapegoating you, but imo it’s smart to get as many facts as possible before drawing such conclusions.

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