Been trying to make friends at college I’m the UK but doing really badly. Everytime I talk to people they seem uninterested in me. I only have a couple if groups I can sit with In lessons. The people I sit with at lunch are starting to become extremely selfish and show little care for me as their more focused on playing games on their phones. I have no one else to sit with as I have no other friend at my school. How do I fix this?

  1. What are your priorities? Find people with similar ones and go from there. It’s cool if you make mistakes, like do something wierd, but if you are a genuine person you can definitely warm up to people who you like.

    How you can fix it is take social risks. Either you’ll look stupid but Noone will remember or it’ll pay off.

    I don’t have any friends so keep that in mind.

  2. Making friends can be difficult, especially in a new environment like college. Here are some tips that might help you:

    Participate in activities and clubs: Joining a club or participating in an on-campus activity can be a great way to meet like-minded people and make new friends.

    Volunteer for events: Volunteering for events and activities on campus can also give you an opportunity to meet new people and make connections.

    Get involved in class: Participating in class discussions and working with classmates on projects can be a good way to start a conversation and build a relationship.

    Attend social events: Attend social events on campus like parties, concerts, and student gatherings to meet new people and have fun.

    Start a conversation: If you see someone sitting alone or who looks like they could use a friend, strike up a conversation and get to know them.

    Be yourself: People are attracted to authenticity, so don’t be afraid to be yourself. Let your personality shine and people will be drawn to you.

    Practice patience: Making friends takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen right away. Keep trying and stay positive, and eventually you’ll find the right people to connect with.

    Remember, everyone goes through similar struggles, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Making friends takes time and effort, so keep trying and stay positive!

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