Let’s start off by saying I am not needy at all, I try to keep things fun and flirty, but I struggle with always getting low investment girls. Is that the status quo right now? Am I just being impatient? It feels like no matter how I play it they could do with or without me, the minute I throw in the towel there is no them chasing me. Ladies out there please help a fella out! I really want to crack the code. I would say I could be good looking when I try, 6 foot tall. I just would like to have mutual attraction. Please help, thanks!

  1. >I am not needy at all, I try to keep things light and flirty

    That communicates someone who isn’t interested in something serious. Why would someone want to foster an emotional connection with someone who gives the impression that emotions are smothering?

  2. Getting more investment is a skill but you can’t talk about it as it involves some dark sides of psychology.

  3. How hard do you push and pull? Are you in hot pursuit in the beginning and just stop contacting them? They probably think you’re done. It should be less like a game of tug of war, and more like the ebb and flow of the ocean.

  4. We love a romantic, funny, patient and loving men not the hard hearted types who wanna be chased… me personally if I love a guy I show it and I would not let anything distract me but I couldn’t deal with someone who wants me to beg them in any way especially when he threatens to leave and expects I chase him in other for him to be sure if my love for him is true or not. Btw this is so common with rich guys

  5. So I took a looksy at your comment history, just to get an idea of what’s going on.

    You’re doing dating apps. That’s hard and scary. It’s exhausting keeping them going. I personally don’t have the attention span to message multiple guys at the same time.

    So in all honesty, ask a girl out. Get her number. I hate the apps. I turn off notifications because of the frequent messages that come from the app and not even a person. So text messaging and phone calls are the only way I’ll communicate. The entire goal is to meet in person at least once. Coffee is usually safe enough, and I get a feel for who they are and if we might even vibe.

    If you’re proactive and like the person, make sure to lock the next date down before the end of the date.

    If you’re doing this and someone isn’t receptive, then you’re allowed to say, “Hey. I feel like I’m investing more time and effort than you. I don’t think we’ll ultimately be compatible. Good luck dating.”

    Edit- I would say that there’s a timeline. 3 days to get a number. Don’t ask for a weekend date past Wednesday evening. You shouldn’t spend more than 2 weeks on a stranger that doesn’t pan out. Keep it snappy.

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