Men, what changes occur in your body as you age that no one talks about.

  1. starting to get hair in your ears is annoying.

    i also notice that i have to wear a little more deodorant than i used to, which is weird, because i thought it would lessen with age…not in my case.

    i’m a lot less tolerant of heat and humidity than in my teens and 20s. back then, i could hang out all day on florida’s beaches at noon in july, and i’d be fine. i can’t handle that shit anymore. when it’s over 83ish, i get overheated pretty fast.

    i also can’t smoke weed like back in my 20s and even early 30s. we used to blaze bongs and joints all night every night…now it’s like 2 hits and i’m ready for a nap.


    ahhh, youth…where did you go.

  2. If you don’t look after yourself, back and neck pain come sooner than you think.

    Like in your 20s.

    It’s not just an old man thing.

  3. The only thing I’ve noticed is the gray hair. I don’t feel or act older than 30 and I’m fast approaching 50. I also adjusted my diet/exercise regimen as I approached 40, meaning I started eating as healthy as possible, and doing light/moderate workouts.

  4. Hangovers get so bad and so long that drinking stops being worth it. Six hours of fun is not worth 3 days of the flu..

    When I was 16, I could drink and fuck all night till I puked. Go to sleep at 3, get up at 6, go to school and feel fine. Fuck do I miss that cellular invulnerability. Now if I eat too much sugar I feel like shit, let alone drinking.

  5. If you accidentally fall asleep on the floor for 10 minutes, you spend the day feeling like you were hit by a truck.

  6. Not all of these have happened to me, but here’s a general list.

    After your mid to late 20s, you start loosing muscle mass, unless you actively continue to lift weights. The effect doesn’t start to be directly noticeable until your 40s or 50s, but one of the side effects is that because your body is no longer in anabolic, mode, your background metabolic rate declines. This is why so many people start having trouble controlling their weight in their 30s and 40s.

    Your muscles need more time for recovery.

    Some men lose their tolerance for alcohol. Hang-overs occur more easily and last longer.

    You will fatigue much more easily. Restorative sleep becomes more important.

    You will need to push harder to pee and the urine will dribble afterwards.

    Sudden changes of position will make you lightheaded.

    And then of course, there’s that erectile dysfunction issue.

    Have fun.

  7. My back got hairy as fuck in my 30s. Still got all my head hair at 42, so can’t complain, but didn’t know that shit was coming. Have to get my wife crack out the the trimmers once a month so I don’t look like a fucking lycanthrope.

  8. There are few changes in my body but i like that no one is talking aboit it i like privacy.

  9. My desire to live diminishes rapidly but I can’t go yet because I want to see my kids flourish.

  10. Your recovery time from strenuous exercise is dramatically increased even though your peak performance only gradually gets worse.

  11. I’m almost 28. Used to play pickup basketball 2-3 times a week. Started smoking the wacky tobbacy around 6 years ago and stopped playing ball about 5 years ago. I went and played for the first time since then on Sunday (6 days ago). I haven’t been able to walk right all week because I’m so sore 😂 life comes at you fast

  12. All I know is, when I hit 40, I felt fine. 41, fine. Then I hit 42, and suddenly every single injury I ever had, came back to haunt me at varying degrees. The past year and a half was me adjusting to this new reality, and overall I’ve been successful. You need to constantly make sure you maintain good posture, stretch more than you used to, make peace with the fact that certain dietary allowances are now over. From 40-ish onward it’s pretty much all maintenance until you’re dead. If you stay fit and active, things will go much better for you.

  13. I’m 31 and feel better than ever. But the one thing I’ve been consistent with right after high school was working out. 5-6 days a week.

  14. Derealization. When I think of my sisters and parents the first image that pops up is them being younger, not how they are now. Same for myself. I think of my face and I remeber a younger face and body. I don’t think about my laugh lines and worry lines. Or toll the sun has taken on my skin. Sometimes my own reflection catches me a little off guard. I don’t mind how I look but its just not how I picture myself.

    Also there’s a blow to the ego when you go to do something you done before with no issue and find yourself physically limited. Like some have said already, things like racing a kid and finding you’re not nearly as fast as you used to be. Or crawling under a house to fix something and finding out you aren’t as flexible and how you’re endurance has dropped. You start eating better and working out and things get better but it’s not natural anymore. You have to work harder every year to keep your body up. It’s not terribly hard but it’s def harder every year.

  15. People don’t really talk about how gradual it is. It’s not like you just wake up one day and everything is falling apart. I mean, it can happen, I guess, but it’s little things that creep up on you over many years. Especially weight. And it only gets harder to lose weight as you age.

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