I haven’t been especially active over the last few months, but I’ve had two 10-panel tests about 6 months apart. The results of both have been the same. Totally clean except for HSV-1. After doing some research, it’s one of the most common STDs out there, with between 50-70% of the adult population being a carrier/positive, and many being exposed during childhood. I’ve never had a major breakout.

Yet so many people seem to still have a stigma about it. Many are probably carriers themselves without knowing about it. Just would like any thoughts or experiences about sharing STD results with potential partners, and breaking bad news, or trying to explain the results.

  1. Just be up front. “Just so you know, I’m HSV-positive. Is that OK?” and their reaction will dictate if they were going to be a good person to sleep with anyway.

  2. My take is if after a couple dates it looked like there were going to be more I sent an email along the lines of “I’m positive, let me know how you feel about that. We can talk but I wanted to let you know in email so you can consider it before having to respond.”

    You’re not putting them on the spot, having to respond. They may not even know what HSV-1 is, it’s prevalence, etc.

    In my case she responded with “I’m so glad you brought it up, I’ve been wondering how to tell you I’m positive”.

    13 years ago, still together.

  3. Honestly hsv 1 is only a big deal if you have an outbreak going on.. i have it and i just don’t kiss my wife for wks til it clears, my wife has it too but has never had an outbreak.. I’ve had since I was a kid. Past relationships I just told my gf no kissing and beef curtain licking for a few wks

  4. Hsv 1 isn’t an sti although can be contracted genitally.

    Majority of the population has hsv1, many people just never have outbreaks and their immune system conquers it.

  5. I wouldn’t use the term HSV1 unless it REALLY comes to it. It’s too technical and like another comment said, makes it seem scarier than it actually is and a lot of people likely aren’t going to push through the awkwardness to inquire further. I’ve always just told partners “hey, let’s get the not-so-sexy stuff out of the way. I do get cold sores, but I’m clear otherwise. Is that a dealbreaker for you? Totally cool if it is.” No man has ever turned me down 😅 it helps that I don’t do hookups though.

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