A chick from my gym I would see from time to time I talked to her a bit and noticed interest (playing with her hair, etc)
I ran into her a week ago in my city and she called me over real talkative and I explain to her that I found I won’t have to move and ask for her number. (She practically yanked my phone out my hand). I hit her up a few days later and we’re going back and forth over text and when I asked her for her availability on the weekend, she responded a week later claiming to be busy and wanted to meet. I was sick with covid and our schedules never matched up to meet.

I came back into town last week (business trip) and we got together for drinks and had an amazing date and made out at the end. I hit her up a few days later and she responded, I asked for her availability and silence. I saw her in the gym the next day and she looked excited to see me. I talked to her for a bit but she seemed cold and nervous (she claimed to be really busy lately) so I just left it at that. I haven’t heard from her in 3 days. On the date she clearly seemed more into me than I was into her, is she trying to get me to chase ?

  1. Adults don’t rely on guesswork or rely on signals.

    Both of you are making this difficult by not being direct. Ask her what you asked us, we’re not psychic.

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