I live in Southern Europe in a Catholic country so I see them everyday but when I travelled to the US I didn’t see even one (went to MD and VA). Have you ever seen one? Is there a state where it is more common than in others?

  1. For me, about once or twice a week. I work in a local supermarket and about once or twice a week, a nun dressed in full habit comes in to do some grocery shopping. Never spoken to her but, she seems nice and just goes about her business

  2. In the U.S., the population of nuns has been rapidly declining over the past few decades. There are fewer than 42,000 nuns (in a country of 332 million people). Different orders of nuns have different dress codes. Some orders don’t wear habits at all. Few orders wear full habits. So your chances of seeing a nun in full habit in the U.S. aren’t high, unless you happen to be near a convent where there happen to be nuns of an order that still wears full habits. I’ve seen women in full burqas far more often than I’ve seen nuns in full habit.

  3. I think I saw one in an airport once. The only people I know personally who regularly see nuns are ultra devout Catholics who go to like church conferences and stuff like that.

  4. A lot of nuns don’t wear a full habit often or at all. I went to a Catholic university and had a few nuns as teachers. They would wear a polo shirt with a cardigan to class. So you might have seen some nuns and not known it.

  5. Rarely. Sometimes I’ve seen them traveling somewhere together on the road, or at a rest stop off the highway or something.

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