So I went to my dentist last Monday for a composite bonding and was only charged for band 1 services (£23) which I thought was cheap. I only found out today that they forgot to charge me for the bonding too and that they have been chasing me for the remaining money for over a week. Apparently they had my mother’s number as my contact despite me telling them to change it to mine so I had no idea I owed them anything. So when I called them today they said there’s no point charging me the rest and that I won’t have any cover for the bonding in the future. Is this allowed considering both mistakes occurred on their end and will I potentially see an extra charge on my next appointment or will it be excused? Also does this mean I will have to pay full price if any issues occur with the bonding and how long would the cover had lasted?

1 comment
  1. I had pretty much the same thing years ago.

    I went in as I was in pain, dentist did whatever they needed to and I went out to the reception. They told me I needed to pay X so I paid them.

    Then a week later they call me up and tell me “We under charged you, please can you come back in and pay us the rest.”

    I told them to get stuffed (a little more politely) and they threatened to strike me from their practice but I just started to ignore their calls and eventually they stopped trying.

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