i feel like when i start talking to people , i can hardly get a normal conversation out of them. people fall for me quickly, become a little obsessive & confess feelings way to early. or people just want a sexual relationship , which i’m not interested in. and they expect a lot from me like fast replies & priority when i make it clear i want to take things very slow and have a lot of other things going on in my life. i am still healing from a past relationship that ended 7-8 months ago, i don’t go into detail about what happened with these new guys , but i do make it clear that i am not ready for a relationship. i don’t know if i’m looking for advice or just venting but i would really appreciate it if people genuinely tried to get to know me instead of becoming infatuated with the thought/idea of me…. thoughts?

  1. I’m a guy and I get that a lot as well, what I do that helps is just making sure that I set boundaries early on in the friendship and I wear a lot of oversized clothes. But at the end of the day you kinda have to realize that you can’t control how people chose to behave towards you, but you can control how you react to it.
    Idk if that helps but good luck.

  2. Guys get obsessive, hang out with your girlfriends instead? At least until you’re ready for another relationship.

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